Template talk:Embedded tweet

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copy the text, in case the tweet is deleted

hi: ive seen other sites that have the text of the tweet in place of deleted tweets. is there a way to get the template to copy the text of the tweet onto the page, under the tweet? if the tweet is deleted, there would then be at least a record of what it said. (as seen here) -hipcrime 03:09, 17 March 2014 (EDT)

If needed, I could create a tweet template where we just enter the values, like I did with Template:Post. reply 03:42, 17 March 2014 (EDT)
beats what we have now. people might claim that EDiots are never truthful, though, and that the text entered doesn't match the tweet. automatic would be nice, but i'd take manual too. :) -hipcrime 12:34, 17 March 2014 (EDT)