
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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So, you have a problem with an article? Well, the first thing you should know is that it won't do any good to mess with the article. Read Why vandalism is pointless for more information. Really, read it.

OK, so you don't like the article. Well, you're free to register a username and discuss any issue you might have. Just click the link in the top-right corner. No email or anything required, it takes about 5 seconds.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before registering a username, you must read the general disclaimer (click here). Registering a name implies agreement to it, so make sure you're ok with it before registering.

At this point, you have a few options:

Your options

  1. Post a message to your talk page. Do this by clicking the link in the top right corner of the screen that says "my talk" (only if you've registered), and then click on the edit button at the top. Post briefly the scope of your problem and someone will be around. Someone will be around quicker if you type something in the edit summary box to the effect of "problem with an article".
  2. Post a message to the article talk page. You can go to the article, click the "talk" button at the top, click the "+" button, and leave a comment, and someone will be around shortly.
  3. Post a message to the TJC, our group communication center. Follow this link to leave a message. You should probably try the above two first.

Bad ideas

These sorts of things will get you banned from the wiki. When that happens, you no longer have any way of communicating your problems :-( Try to avoid doing these:

  1. Vandalizing articles. Don't mess with the articles. Your changes will be undone in about a second, and you'll get banned. Plus, then no one will care what you have to say if you have a legitimate problem.
  2. Incoherent ranting. Pissing and moaning about how mean we are and how we're all unfunny assholes and how we all need to just GET LIVES is not going to help you. When someone starts up a flame war with the maintainers of a website ON that website, the maintainers will always win.


  1. ED is a SATIRICAL WIKI. SATIRICAL. It is not to be taken seriously, and it is not taken seriously by almost anyone.
  2. Generally, there is no reason to take down true information that is simply embarassing. Why would we?
  3. Content is rarely removed just because someone doesn't like it. If there is a legitimate question of legality or taste, you may have a shot, but otherwise, probably not.
  4. ED editors know a thing or two about internet law. Just because you think something is illegal doesn't mean it is.
  5. You can probably make better use of your time by just getting over it and ignoring the article that you hate so much.