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You can't draft them to die in a war, but they can give birth to babies...

and still whine about being the weaker sex, while they can get a welfare check and an affirmative action backed job in the DMV back counter. Check out of a million feminist machoist childbirth vids on Youtube LOLZ.

Ghey Aemerican 06:16, 15 November 2011 (CET)

The Correct (legal) Way To Handle Situations Like This

If some bitch ever does something like this:

Just bend them over or pull them over your knee and start blistering their ass like an angry toddler in a therapy session. They'll learn a very important lesson and best of all you won't go to jail and they won't be able to say that you assaulted them (since it's something millions of parents do to their kids on a daily basis). ^__^

--Onideus 03:04, 23 April 2013 (EDT)

  • LOL found the most retarded comment Onideus has ever made. oddguy 15:17, 20 April 2014 (EDT)

Article Restoration

25 images checked, 7 restored to their original 12/13/2008 versions. --Onideus 09:16, 13 July 2013 (EDT)