Talk:They Might be Giants

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Ok, most of this article is slightly wrong, and doesn't deal with the creepy as fuck following they have that borders on stalking. If no one has any objections, I'm going to spend the next few days rewriting it.

--Matchbox 22:56, 21 February 2013 (EST)

  • Just so everyone's aware, TMBG fans seem to know about this now, so I added the watch banner. If nothing happens I'll remove it.
  • * We're on reddit too! Nevermind, I refreshed and it disappeared.--Matchbox 00:44, 24 February 2013 (EST)

Regarding the section on fans

Hi all. Thought I'd start a section on the talk page here to request the removal of the fans section of this article, per these rules on ED's "When is it crap?" policy:

  • You wrote a People article about some retard in your fucking High School, or some other highly personalized shit nobody cares about.
  • You neglected to include the links showing how it is connected to drama on the Internets.

First I'll note that this section was written by one user, Matchbox, who I assume wishes to remain anonymous because it appears his account was only created two months ago for this sole purpose (and hasn't been used since).

From what I've seen on ED over the years, these personal articles are typically reserved for those who stir up drama in online communities and/or make fools out of themselves publicly, as per the second rule above. This article, however, contains detailed writeups, photographs and personal info about four people with seemingly no drama surrounding them (one of whom is even "a hard man to find online", according to the article). They have no notable claims to fame aside from being fans of They Might Be Giants with a semblance of Internet presence.

To make my case I'll review the "drama" and links posted for each of the four people:

  • Quinn
    • 'Drama' that's a joke: "may or may not have a signed restraining order from Linnell hanging in her closet"
    • Drama with no proof/links provided: "Quinn views herself as queen of the fans and immediately takes a dislike to any TMBG fans that don't kiss her ass"
    • Links: Her Etsy store, an article she wrote about why she likes They Might Be Giants, and a list of They Might Be Giants concerts she's been to
    • No less than 10 images uploaded to ED about her and her websites - what the hell?
    • Conclusion: This girl really likes one guy from They Might Be Giants and whoever wrote this article really likes stalking her
  • Jon
    • Administrator for a wiki about They Might Be Giants -
    • Drama with no proof/links provided: "Jon has been known to actively remove negative criticism or even quotes that don't fit Jon's personal view of the band."
    • Drama - he has a reddit account: "Jon is so intelligent that he uses his reddit account to share his intellect by correcting peoples assumptions or proving them liars"
    • Links: His resume, Wikipedia article, reddit account, a guitar tab, company he works for, contact information
    • Conclusion: Wiki admin, uses reddit, has a job, no links to drama (unless using reddit counts)
  • August
    • Also an administrator for a wiki about They Might Be Giants -
    • This section, unlike the two above, doesn't even hint at any drama - but calls this guy autistic
    • "a hard man to find online" - this sort of speaks for itself
    • Links: Album artwork he has scanned, his email address, his Facebook page
    • Conclusion: Wiki admin, likes using Photoshop - no drama whatsoever?
  • Jason
    • Drama(?) with no proof/links provided: "DeLima suffers from a chronic case of unwarranted self importance", "It is perhaps knowledge of the seriousness of his condition that made Jason such a backstabbing idiot.", etc
    • Section making fun of Jason's music
    • Links: various links to his protected Tumblr account and a link to his BandCamp page
    • Conclusion: Musician who promotes himself and apparently backstabs people (who?)

I hope this is enough of a case to get the fan section removed from the They Might Be Giants page (which was amusing before this happened in February). Thanks for reading. --PairODocs 14:48, 7 April 2013 (EDT)


There was definitely a section on fans before, then the page got screwed around over the course of a few years and ended up with a section on BNL for some reason. I restored the fans section, although I mirrored the pages because they were frequently removed previously. Really TMBG fans are terribly elitist, and TMBW is run with a dictatorial bent that isn't welcoming to new fans

As your page was only created on 4 April 2013, and has only made this edit, I'm assuming you're listed on this page, because you're dictatorial idiot/Quinn.

As you're interested, my account monitors several pages, and I have most of the twitter article re-written in the sandbox. I'll gladly debate the use of this page and personal info, but considering that I had several messages from TMBG fans thanking me, I'm going to defend it.

--Matchbox 17:34, 12 April 2013 (EDT)

The very fact that the section inspired someone to go out of their way and froth out nearly an ENTIRE PAGE worth of butthurt rebuttal is all the more evidence required to see that the article is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing...inciting/documenting dramaz. --Onideus 17:40, 12 April 2013 (EDT)