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New account

I checked the front page and saw that no one had added Bonita's new account CausewayAutobot. She says this is the account she uses to play with her 'true sparkmate' i-am-prime. Didn't she say the exact same crap with LastPrimeOfCybertron? I mean kudos to Bonita if she really did find a man that would put up with her stupidity but I'm betting it's just another ploy. Unseen 21:50, 23 April 2012 (EDT)

  • Looks like she deactivated AutobotCauseway but she didn't, she got it back probably did it to make us here at ED assume she deactivated it. I took a look at the i-am-prime page and he is RUSSIAN!, and Bonita is a redneck hill billy two timing slut from Virginia. I doubt that i-am-prime realizes that Bonita is a lying sack of pig shit and she had claimed that she loved LastPrimeOfCybertron using the very same words with him as she's doing to him and she's using both of the accounts as her roleplay accounts. I always assumed that dA was not a roleplay site? I guess people are making it into one. Tama 14:25, 24 April 2012 (EDT)
    • Which I find hilarious because doesn't LeathurKatt go around bitching at everyone that deviantart is an art site and not a roleplay site? I really feel sorry for this guy, he probably doesn't have any idea what kind of a shit-show he's in. So because Bonita married Optimus Prime back in 2007, does this make her a bigamist? She's said a few times that spark-mate is synonymous with being married.Unseen 22:10, 24 April 2012 (EDT)
  • Yeah, Leathurkatt goes bitching about people making dA into a roleplay site when she and her little girlfriends, including Bonita use the site for ROLEPLAY! The kettle calling the pot black. She clearly is stupid because to her mind, what she and her friends do as in roleplay on dA is clearly art, but when others do it, it is not art.

Bonita is a bigamist, if she states that being a spark-mate is synonymous with being married, then she's cheating on LastPrimeOfCybertron with this i-am-prime and using her roleplay accounts as the tools. Someone should tell i-am-prime that the woman he's chatting with is a bigamist and is only using you because of your handle here, nothing more. Tama 12:11, 25 April 2012 (EDT)

  • i-am-prime has only been on deviantArt for a month so either they were chatting before and she twisted his arm into making an account with that name, probably so she could go "See I'm sparkbonded to a real Prime" or he joined and she pounced on the hapless fool because of his account name. Leathurkatt is a bigger hypocrite than Bonita. The sick furry fuck needs to get over herself. Unseen 18:23, 25 April 2012 (EDT)

Well as of today the CausewayAutobot account has been deactivated. I wonder if there's trouble in paradise? Unseen 01:16, 8 May 2012 (EDT)

  • I wonder if she saw that we found her new dA account faster than she may have thought we would and deactivated it like the sickie bitch she is. Tama 14:24, 8 May 2012 (EDT)
    • I can't see her being so dumb as to think we wouldn't find it, she plastered it all over her main account the other RP account. She was even telling her 'adopted' children to talk to him. Unseen 01:42, 9 May 2012 (EDT)

And now she says she's in love with Optimus from Transformers Prime... Unseen 18:18, 9 May 2012 (EDT)

  • It's any Optimus voiced by Peter Cullen. That's her thing now. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 11:42, 10 May 2012 (EDT)
    • Indeed, if she liked Peter Cullen's voice overs like a true fan of his, she would love all of the characters that he did. He even did Ironhide in the cartoon from what I know and he did Eeyore and a voice in Voltron. She likes him for his Optimus Prime voices, nothing else. FAKE FAN, Bonita! A true fan of his, would love all his voice over jobs. Tama 10:10, 11 May 2012 (EDT)

And here's her newest one, going after TFP now. How much longer until we see a Causeway from Rescue bots? TFP Causeway Unseen 17:28, 10 May 2012 (EDT)

Well in a hilarious turn of events it would seem that I-am-prime is in fact the female user Fera-Feueragian. Here's the journal where I-am-Prime says if you want to contact them, go to their main account. So much for I-am-Prime being Bonita's real life spark-mate. Unseen 19:05, 19 May 2012 (EDT)

  • Well it seems that either Bonita knew, or is desperately clinging to the lie that I-am-Prime is a man as she's posted twice on fera-feueragian's page asking for her 'love' to contact her. Unseen 21:38, 19 May 2012 (EDT)
  • Did you notice that even i-am-prime commented on her own page? Its like trying to prove that account is not being played by that user, when she already blew it out of the water. Yes, Bobonita knows it is now revealed to members of ED by her so-called spark-mate coming out of the closet to reveal that he's really a she and not a male playing that character. Tama 00:12, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
    • I just saw, kind of sad really. Also, figure I'd give a heads up that I found Bonita's new Skype and updated the front page to show it. Unseen 00:32, 20 May 2012 (EDT)

Bonita at BotCon

Nothing lulzy happened at BotCon as I talked with a friend who talked to her there and basically nothing ED-worthy happened. She did get in line because there was space as the ones who were picked never showed up and missed their chance. Tama 10:56, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

For the fags that don't know it, Derrick J Wyatt did all the art for Transformers Animated. He met Bonita yesterday. Here's his tweets.

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 13:47, 28 April 2012 (EDT)

And exactly how the fuck did this happen?! Unseen 18:35, 28 April 2012 (EDT)

  • Not worth it being petty about it. Somebody else got far more than photos a few years ago. Bonita probably told him a bunch of lies anyway. I don't think she even saw Mr. Cullen as a person, she might have just seen the source of That Voice. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 21:10, 28 April 2012 (EDT)

ETA: Btw, the art she gave him is likely TRACED and not really her work. Therefore she gave him a lie. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 21:13, 28 April 2012 (EDT)

She got asked to get in line

Bonita went with her friends to the autograph session, just to see Peter Cullen. None of them got picked. They were standing off to the side watching. Not everyone who was picked were there which meant he had free spaces to allow those who didn't get picked to get in line. When the line got shorter, Peter Cullen's people started to bring those who were there and wanted to get his autograph into the line. Bonita's two friends pointed her out to Peter and made sure that she could get in line to get an autograph from him. He did kiss her cheek though she didn't get it on film as it was a spur of the moment thing that he did.

Bonita and her friends did not cheat the system, they never did. The winners of the lottery never found the location where they were holding the event, which is why they were able to get in line. The person who is responsible for the lie that she conned her friends out of their ticket is none other than Ravette2004. Tama 10:13, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

Mrs. Bonita Prime deactivated

Things become curiouser and curiouser as I found Bonita to have deactivated her main account. On her AutobotCausewayaccount she's stated that she's going to overhaul it and she's very 'upset and is going to be tight as to why'. Anyone have any insight on this development? Unseen 16:13, 3 June 2012 (EDT)

I'll just leave this here. The spot where a name shows up one and a half times is a glitch in the screencap program I use. Whatever. Sick of fucking with it.

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 17:57, 3 June 2012 (EDT)

    • And as of 6/05 the Mrs. Bonita Prime account is back. Unseen 10:51, 5 June 2012 (EDT)

Locking Bonita's page?

I got off the phone with a friend who has been talking with Bonita. It was something that Ravette and Bonita agreed on during their talk back in November when they made their short lived truce, the deletion of this article on Bonita, but from what I know of ED, deletion is not considered for anything, locking the page is. Is it possible to lock her page like ED did with cyndilovespiccolo? I'm just wondering if this can be done as Bonita really hasn't done any wrong in months, all the shit that's coming up is coming from Ravette's mouth and everyone knows that Ravette is a bloody fucky little liar. My friend told me that Bonita was invited by Peter Cullen's people to get in line, not conning someone out of their spot and that Ravette is doing her shit stirring antics once again, trying her best to get people to flame Bonita again. Tama 21:35, 5 June 2012 (EDT)

  • I think it would be a good thing to just lock her page up and move on from following Bonita about like we're obsessed with the woman. Tama 01:17, 7 June 2012 (EDT)
    • CLP's page isn't locked. I think her article can go since she did grow up and get over herself. That ain't my call to make. Bonita's should sit for a couple years like Cyndi's has. She has to prove she's gotten better. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 01:49, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

I'm correcting a lot of the facts in the articles.

As I found out the truth about everything in the articles from the dA user Ravette2004's former friends and watchers. Everything that she has ever told them about Bonita Prime has been a lie. Ravette2004 is a jealous, spiteful whiny little girl who wants nothing more than to chase Bonita Prime out of the Transformers fandom.

I have removed most everything that consists of Ravette2004's lies that she told to everyone about Bonita Prime. I am totally ashamed that I fell for such a con artist in the user Ravette2004. She's nothing more than a liar. Tama 10:17, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

They're both batshit insane whiny fucktards. Mike the Great (talk) 22:45, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
But at least, Bonita is basically going low key and sticking to her own stuff, unlike Kathleen Todd who is trying to get Bonita out of the Transformers fandom. Kathleen is probablyu fuming her little fat head of hers off, that she got herself an ED page which she tried to vandelize, but failed. Watch, she'll try again claiming that she's not the liar in this whole mess when she is the liar. Icebreakers 21:40, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
It's all the same. The fact that there's even a transformer's fandom, or any fandom for that matter, is pretty indicative of social retardation. Also would you kindly point her to Vandalism is pointless? Mike the Great (talk) 01:43, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

The ED vandal of realmrsoptimusprime was not her

But Ravette2004, in hopes that it would spur everyone to hate Bonita Prime even more and get her to have more allies in her war with her. I've removed those quote from realmrsoptimusprime's page and placing it on the proper account - Kathleen Todd's. Tama 10:56, 25 June 2012 (EDT)


Reverted tons of vandalism from Tama, who basically attempted to remove any and all parts that reflected negatively on Bonita, including Bonita's "fantart." Going out on a limb here, but I'm going to go on the record with the belief that Tama is a Bonita sock...remember, kids, vandalism is pointless. Sandhero 23:06, 4 July 2012 (EDT)

Nah, Bonita can't write a coherent sentence. Unfortunately Tama seems to have a wrong view of what ED is. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 12:40, 5 July 2012 (EDT)
Have you guys really, seriouslly, looked at Bonita's account lately? I have and her fanfiction are written way better than Kathleen Todd's and her artwork is done 150% better than even I could do and I know my limitations too. And no, I do not think Tama is Bonita's sock, she was more or less was Kathleen Todd's since she was fueling most of the information to her. And for one, they did ask for a serious clean up of the page and from what I had seen, it was fairly okay if not done sloppy. Tama needs encouragement not distain, she's not as good as I am and I worked on my article offline to get it as perfect as I could make it and yes, I did ask for help. I think Tama's work can be worked on and improved, since when has anyone accused Bonita of stealing anything in the past year and a half? From what I can tell, no one, beyound the accusations from Kathleen Todd's former bestest best friend Fanfictionaxis, but we all know what happened there, Kathleen created that page to get Bonita in trouble again and who got blamed for that website being created - yup, Fanfictionaxis and never the real person who did - Kathleen Todd. Anyways, its early and I need to get off to work. Maybe you guys should just help Tama improve the article by reworking what she tried to correct with the proper evidence since it would shrink her article page down to size. I would help her but I got Kathleen Todd's ED page to work on. Icebreakers 01:25, 6 July 2012 (EDT)


Okay so here's the deal: for the most part, ED should rely on 3 things: humor, cynicism, and facts. Nobody cares if bubba joe ann here is at fault or kathleen or what the deal is because we're not fans of transformers. In fact, we hate both of them. I think mamamalamadingdong might have some idea of wtf's going on and knows what we do jere, AND is involved. Also I'm pretty incoherent due to being an alcohol and it is destroying his family, so i'mma have oblique add something. I don't really care what the content of this article is personally so long as it's drama filled and funny. idk maybe somewhat true too Mike the Great (talk) 11:03, 6 July 2012 (EDT)

Most of what is on realmrsoptimusprime's page is lies that was told to Tama and only recently found out that Kathleen Todd was the source of every bit of the lies that is now on that page, done to use ED to stir the shit war up with every new lie that came up here. Don't you think removing the lies done would be a good thing and cut it down to where only the humorous moments and the facts remain? We all know that 90% of the shit here is from Kathleen Todd's mouth. Icebreakers 10:06, 6 July 2012 (EDT)
That or it's psy-ops told to tama to make her believe it was lies. The point is we're not here to judge who's cheating who out of some irl model recolors, it's to document. If mrs prime would have come to us from the beginning and provided like... evidence instead of shitcanning all her accounts it'd probably be different. Also like I said I was pretty drunk last night so I really didn't make any sense. Point being don't remove stuff all willy knilly because you were told it was wrong. I completely butchered this article once due to shit that wasn't drama related. As far as who said it, it's kind of irrelevant who said what. Removing things from this article because friends of kathleen todd added them would kinda be like removing things from the kathleen article because friends of mrs prime said them. We document all the things. Mike the Great (talk) 20:37, 6 July 2012 (EDT)

Best way to let this whole asinine page die.

Time for this big black nigger bitch to be honest. I'm starting to get sick of all of this shit. I get enough shit wiping the smeared turds off drug addicts' asses at my job. If you really want this page to die, STOP UPDATING IT! Every edit puts it back to the top of the Recent Changes section, which brings Bonita back to the forefront. Any page you're "watching" shows up in big bold text.

Nobody gives a flying rat's ass whether the info on somebody's page is true or not. The point of ED is to make fun of somebody that's making an ass of themselves on the internet. Everybody who has a page here did something to warrant the attention of a wide audience.

Look at these examples of internet retards and compare to the shithole that is this page. I tried to keep it clean, but I work too much to keep up and every time I come back it's like Godzilla shit on top of Mothra's shit, and Rodan shit on top of Godzilla's shit.

These are FUNNY pages IMHO:

Stop editing and the page will fall into obscurity. Update Ravette's page and keep hers up in the forefront of the Recent Activity area. Don't feed the trolls because right now more people are laughing at you than they are at Bonita and Ravette. So stop fucking with Bonita's page. It's that fucking simple, faggots. Come ON, you guys can't be that retarded. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 13:28, 6 July 2012 (EDT)

No trolls here, sir. Just internet superheroes. Mike the Great (talk) 20:37, 6 July 2012 (EDT)


How all of her friends on Gaia have never made a single post, are illiterate and abuse emoticons/smilies. hmmm FacePalmVeteran 04:51, 13 October 2012 (EDT)

Causeway totally isn't a clone of Optimus

We all know Causeway is just Optimus with robo-tits but in Bonita's mind that seems to equal totally original. When faced with a critique of the character's design, calling her out, she responds with this.Unseen

Name Change

So according to the witless wonder she's now changed her name to Elita One. So how many times does this make it? First it was Bonita Prime, then Bonita One Prime and now Elita One? What is she trying to do, hide from creditors? Unseen

Well here's her proof of name change and if there were any doubts about the whole convicted felon thing, it's here in black and white. If people didn't think she was batshit insane before, this is the frosting on the crazy cake. Unseen

Bonita owns all the poses

Warning to anyone who has an OC that gets paired with Optimus. If you dare draw them together you need to scour the internet to make sure she has not used it first. If she has, she and all her ass licking lackeys will hop on you and accuse you of tracing even if it's obvious that it isn't and brow beat you until you cave in to their demands. And God forbid you make a club to support your OC, then grand poobah and furfag Leathurkatt-TFtiggy will accuse you of copying Bonita and start calling you childish. She'll attack your English if you are not a native speaker and be an all around asshat until she screams the conversation is over and blocks you, leaving you unable to reply. LK's harassment. Unseen

This page has clearly been vandalized

Way too much whiteknighting and apologies for this to be the work of legit EDiots. The user Icebreakers is either a sockpuppet or a friend of hers, so I'm assuming they were the one vandalizing the article. Many sentences, and even entire sections, need to be removed. However, because there is so much stuff to remove, I want to make sure it would be okay to do. Gmlw 16:06, 23 October 2013 (EDT)

  • Clean it up by all means but be ready for white nights and asspatters to show up again to undo it all. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 16:15, 23 October 2013 (EDT)
      • I'm pretty sure Icebreakers is her #1 fan and ass-kisser Leathurkatt. Thanks for reverting and restoring the page. Think we should update with all the 'Lady Elita-One' BS of hers now?Unseen
        • I pretty much gave up trying to fuck with this because I don't have time to babysit the article and revert the faggotry. Have fun. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 03:06, 14 November 2013 (EST)

Can you provide with links to specific instances of vandalism. image  Interstellar Shipping & Trading Co. 03:19, 14 November 2013 (EST)

Did some digging in the edit history for you. They've a history of popping in every few months to shit up the article with white-knightning, some larger edits have been reverted, but other smaller ones may have gone unnoticed. The people submit the following evidence to internet court.
These contain edits they made after known, non-vandelizing Ediots. They seem to have a partner in crime, Tama, who also appears to have gone without being hit by the banhammer.
The prosecution rests, your Honor. BakaRed 12:28, 14 November 2013 (EST)
(Molestation log); 17:45 . . Interstellar Shipping & Trading (Talk | contribs | rape) raped Icebreakers (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) (see Talk:Realmrsoptimusprime)
On this talk page I see Mike_the_Great warned Icebreakers about this crap before. Noticed they were removing external links and images. Also other butthurt revisionism noted. Their only contribs on ED is in fact this article. Is there anyone else I have overlooked? image  Interstellar Shipping & Trading Co. 12:54, 14 November 2013 (EST)

Updating some of the images

I went and updated some of the images seeing as ol' bat-shit Bonita continues to pump them out. Unseen

Enemies of the lulz

Well now it seems that Bonita still looks at this page from time to time and is all butthurt at the updates. What the hell did she think would happen as she hasn't stopped the crazy at all? I see there was some half-assed attempt to vandalize the page again from her dipshit followers who obviously don't know how this place works. Thankfully it was all reverted and we can still watch and document Bonita shitting herself. As for 'lies' what lies? She's a useless fat-fuckwit who hangs around teenagers to inflate her already bloated ego. Unseen