Talk:Onideus Mad Hatter

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For all instances where Onideus posted on this talk page and nobody gave a shit and didn't respond.

Moar info: Talk:Onideus Mad Hatter/Nobody give a fuck.


wtf is that thing at the bottom?

  • Template that has the timeline thing inside it? oddguy 10:52, 3 December 2013 (EST)
It was a failed experiment in which I try to integrate his cat image into the {{enemy}} template to match up with the {{watch}} template. It doesn't seem to work out. Mirrors II 11:20, 3 December 2013 (EST)
Ask in a couple days I'll show you got to implement conditional parameters within templates. You can also took at the Featured Article/title template found in almost every portal. 11:30, 3 December 2013 (EST)
OK. Mirrors II 11:45, 3 December 2013 (EST)

Quick question about bots...

  • Is there any actual evidence he used bots on the wiki or anywhere else? Because I found a post elsewhere saying he once threatened someone with bots and did nothing. I he might have been making it up. I don't think he knows how to actually make a bot and it was nothing but an idle threat... Anyone has any info on this? oddguy 07:51, 20 December 2013 (EST)
He never used bots because he can't make them. He used a Firefox extension called Greasemonkey that allows one to inject custom javascript into Web pages. As an example, he configured it that so when he refreshed RC, if a certain person had edited his page, it was an instant revert. While it does kinda look like a bot, it's nothing of the sort. A skiddie bot could run circles around Greasemonkey.   VX BREATHE DEEP   08:02, 20 December 2013 (EST)
CobaltCat 08:08, 20 December 2013 (EST)
  • I had a feeling it was something like that... Thanks! I'll edit this info into the article a bit later. oddguy 08:52, 20 December 2013 (EST)

yes hello

Since I've barely contributed to this page gonna ask here first.

This page is long as fuck, but honestly I think everything belongs here, would anyone be opposed with me splitting up the article like Chris-chan or Codenamesailorearth? 22:54, 29 December 2013 (EST)

considering the page absolutely destroyed my phone, I don't. And some of it is already in subpages. CobaltCat 00:37, 30 December 2013 (EST)
  • If you believe you can do it right.
CobaltCat is right, there are already two long-ass sub pages and I am sure that if we won't find more sites Onideus made empty threats against he will, sooner or later humiliate himself once more. This thing is already on the list of longest articles and it will probably get longer before it's done. Do your thing meep.

HOWEVER! Only if you can make a subpage navigation thing like at the top of Chris chan. Zaiger already told us to stop making more sub-pages about onideus. oddguy 02:57, 30 December 2013 (EST)

just my 2 cents

--Talk to me|Contribs 20:21, 10 February 2014 (EST)
agree strongly 21:33, 10 February 2014 (EST)
  • "Showed Up". The motherfucker was here for like a year+. How was this allowed to continue? His article is now in the list of top 10 most longest articles and 8 of those have 3 miles worth of copypasta and spam. Although I must admit i'm curious as to who he's sending threat emails now. oddguy 04:12, 11 February 2014 (EST)

Found a little bit more info about his early days.

  • Lego sites, stole his username for another troll... the usual... Moved the 2010 hacking event into it's own section in the timeline because the Usenet section got too long. 14:47, 27 April 2014 (EDT)

His Maplestory forums account

Can be found right here: [1] Yes his name is fucking KristiCakes. Sauce: [2] Potential for future lulz about a million percent. --The soup 01:30, 1 July 2014 (EDT)

Good find. And just to prove that Kristicakes and Krysticakes are one and the same. He also has another name, just look at the final comment here no way than anyone but Matthew is this Plarg.

CobaltCat 03:26, 1 July 2014 (EDT)

  • I'll check these links later and see if there is anything worth working into the article. 04:11, 1 July 2014 (EDT)
It can't be him, that account is banned. reply 04:52, 1 July 2014 (EDT)
Confirmed, it is him. His account is banned



CobaltCat 05:18, 1 July 2014 (EDT)
What's the real truth matter? If it looks like a diaperfag and acts like a diaperfag...  VX  08:18, 1 July 2014 (EDT)
I can make anthrax out of the dirt in your back yard. I could build an explosively pumped flux compression generator out of spare junk lying around the house. Back in the 90s, in alt.hackers.malicious, we even developed a way of completely destroying the entire physical architecture of a computer network along with every single device connected to it whilst simultaneously setting the BUILDING ON FIRE from INSIDE THE WALLS!

Trust me... you can't even ~remotely~ handle my level of intellect.



About the most funny thing he said on there. The Plarg account is him as well they have a couple of posts with screenshots with the kristicakes character being used. Interestingly someone made a reply using that name on an adult diaper site with similar syntax as Matt (his overuse of "..." and smilies is a dead give away)


December 18, 2013 at 10:48 pm Four words… giant bean bag chair.  :)

Just don’t ask how much they cost.



—baby Matt on

I've no doubt it's him Jewvebeenframed 05:40, 19 September 2014 (EDT)

  • I've added a link to this account in the list and explained he is now pretending to be a girl, but found nothing else of value in there. oddguy 06:04, 19 September 2014 (EDT)

just to clarify

for the "2006, Dec14 from about 11:00AM until about 12:00AM: Moultard vs. Something Awful", shouldn't that be 12:00PM? obviously not a big deal but i don't want to correct it if i'm wrong. Goebbelz 17:37, 19 September 2014 (EDT)

  • I think I saw the exact time written somewhere... I wrote this long ago but I am pretty sure there was a post somewhere detailing exactly when he joined and when he was banned. oddguy 17:43, 19 September 2014 (EDT)
yeah, super minor detail but it does say later on in the article that he got banned 60 mins later - mind if i change it for now? Goebbelz 18:24, 19 September 2014 (EDT)
  • Go ahead. It was just a shorthand for "really soon after". oddguy 18:37, 19 September 2014 (EDT)

Collaborated with Sue Basko (March 2014)

METH RING? One admin of Encyclopedia Dramatica has contacted me many times, to tell me that the site runs a meth (methamphetamine) ring, the proceeds of which are used to support the activities of the site which he says are anti-Jewish acts and the brainwashing of young people. That sounds about right, and is what is clearly the "social goal" of the Rustle League, which is intertwined and shares some of the same people. The ED Admin claims to be addicted to meth, which he says he enjoys, but is also concerned about the drug ring. This Encyclopedia Dramatica admin asked me to report this drug ring to the FBI, which I did.

Must be Onideus. Should it be mentioned in the article? --JuniusThaddeus 16:52, 8 November 2014 (EST)

no that was me lol --Likeicare 02:02, 10 November 2014 (EST)

Oh, okay. I recall Onideus being obsessed with you and drugs and threatening to call to call the cops or something. Nice work messing with Basko. --JuniusThaddeus 15:52, 10 November 2014 (EST)

oddguy and onideus relations

No words needed, I found it on Onideus's profile page on EDF :3 Tigercommander 06:45, 21 December 2014 (EST)

  • I think I said that to Snoochums just to annoy him. oddguy 09:24, 21 December 2014 (EST)
Shut up and accept your defeat, Jew. CobaltCat 09:32, 21 December 2014 (EST)

Tigercommander  09:35, 21 December 2014 (EST)

fake section

  • This entire thing is wrong. I never double-checked it because I thought it was something Schnookums uncovered during his obsessive stalking, but it turns out it's just some bullshit that Cobalt made up. Just gonna paste it in here. oddguy 17:14, 20 February 2015 (EST)

What the fuck Oddguy?Why is a somewhat amusing section being blanked just because it isn't 100% factual?What gives you the right to do that? Are you going to ask we cite our sources from now on too?-Boudica 20:52, 21 February 2015 (EST)

Because the reality of who he is is a lot funnier than anything I can make up and not having too much bullshit he can easily refute on here will make it easier for people to troll him. Also I wrote 99% of this article and the person who added that doesn't give a fuck if I remove it. oddguy 04:20, 22 February 2015 (EST)

OK,fair enough. I just didn't think it not being true was a good reason to rm shit.--Boudica 15:22, 22 February 2015 (EST)
99%? You USI much, Jewfag? At tops 90%, you useless big nose. And I didn't care if you showed your penis, something you have yet to do. CobaltCat 05:19, 22 February 2015 (EST)
LOL, why would anyone even want to take credit for such a horrible mess of stupid in the first place? You know what this article is? It's this...
Ahahahahahaha, no seriously, that's what this article is. It's like you took dozens of random tidbits, reposts of reposts of reposts, blatant forgeries and some stuff by completely off the wall people I've never even heard of and then smashed them all together into this hilarious mess of incoherent retardation. My personal favorites though have got to be the Raymond Dixon forgeries. I mean those were so blazingly obvious that even the most fuckwitted of imbeciles would have been able to tell they weren't genuine.
The funny part is, there was actually some pretty damning posts made back in the 90s and early 2ks. Like outright sociopathic stuff. Not even trolling but just outright sadistic psychological torture...
The stuff with "trolling" suicide and mental health groups was also pretty horrible. Thankfully there's no worry about most of that winding up in this article, since most of the names that were used aren't well known. Maybe Malkavian and Maldis but the rest are safely hidden. Not that it matters anyway since there's no way for you to know the encoding sequences that were used in the control posts...!msg/alt.disney/2gAxPqirP-8/-C7cr2FZYYEJ
Oh, oh, ain't that a bitch! :D
At best all this article can do is paint Onideus up as an ineffectual clown not to be taken seriously, which is honestly quite handy... or it was anyway, before it became outright idiotic and completely unbelievable. Now all it can do is provide an outlet for a few overly ass enraged EDF users to let off some butt steam... although there is still a significant trolling potential on that front... I'll keep that to myself though.
--U Mad Bro 08:33, 22 February 2015 (EST)
Probably because no one takes it seriously at all anymore. It's got so much random, off the wall, completely fucking absurd stupidity in it that it just looks like a mess of angry tweenage muppet fuck. It's fine though, there are other identities that can be used, like Sonmanic's or Deeker's for example. Their articles are nice and clean and have very directed purpose, so they still work for "fun". This one though is effectively worthless now. No matter how much enraged anger is inflicted into a target they no longer even attempt to use any material from ED anymore. The only one that even came close was a guy who was reduced to spastic, screaming death threats and even then the only thing he used was that "bingo" bit (probably the only good edit that was actually added). Removing just that one silly bit won't balance it out though, so it doesn't really matter... well, I suppose if you want to make Boudica angry you take it back out. LOL --U Mad Bro 22:16, 21 February 2015 (EST)
I consider this entire effort to be a fan page for Oni. Look at how much time, effort, and contribs went into this thing. Holy shit, it's huge! Thanks to ED, this Usenet-based freak is now internet infamous. How could anyone think this article could be used to troll him? And btw calling someone who wears diapers a "diaperfag" etc likely gets him off. js. Vermin    10:44, 22 February 2015 (EST)
Oni was "Internet famous" long before ED. In fact the very reason ED was even created was because Sherrod got her ass flamed out of groups like alt.usenet.kooks by regulars like Oni and she stormed off to the web to "start her own group" as such. This article doesn't even cover outside media stuff. Like that one web radio talk show that semi-recently featured Oni...
It doesn't even cover Oni's AUK awards (although some were later stripped out of spite).
Oni is probably most "Internet famous" for his websites though, which people still yammer on about...
Pretty sure most of the Internet cares more about the missing "toys" Oni made than they do Oni himself though. I'd say his sites are more "Internet famous" than he is.
He has a few die hard fans that have blogged about him over the years...
But those don't really count for much I don't think. --U Mad Bro 19:49, 22 February 2015 (EST)
That's deffo infamy, and it seems like all the included sources cite ED as the prime source of information for the ol' Hatter, or at least as a "for more information see this page" footnote. I personally had never heard of him before ED, so what I was trying to say is that ED more or less thrust him into the spotlight as far as said infamy goes.
About Sherrod though, the official record states that she began ED after experiencing drama on LiveJournal, not Usenet. That's not to say Usenet didn't add inspiration, however.
Of course this article wouldn't put any personal accomplishments on a pedestal like that. It's more like ED's own "fuck you" for being what they perceived as an insufferable, text-walling smarty pants who had a penchant for flaunting babyfurs and infantilism.
I myself have experienced my share of backlash in the past just for being myself and operating on my own as opposed to playing the atrocious circle jerk game. You may remember your old weasel pal Schnookums? Him and I used to get along and chat all the time, until I decided I didn't want to be a player in his make-believe IRC vs forums civil war anymore. After that I was labeled as a "back stabber," and after I satirically mocked a few of ED's admins by referring to them as janitors, I earned my own fan page on the wiki.
Schnookums had restored previously-deleted nude photos I had uploaded at hipcrime's request in an effort to shame me, and had traced my history on ED all the way back to .com and republished MySpace-era photos and shit I had written in my user space as a failtroll persona to try and label me as arrogant and homosexual. He had also linked to archived snapshots of deleted week-old accounts I had typed up to use as fodder for a personal article request using the same trollsona that posted the nudes.
The reason I bring this up is because he had similarly tried his best to convince zaiger that Oni was a pedo and run him off the site by Googling up his personal information, stalking his mother and her place of employment, defacing the memorial sites of his dead family members, and ordering pizza to his house. All of this simply because he got into an internet slapfight that his passive-aggressive "neutral observer" persona couldn't win. Suffice to say, I have usurped his position as captain of furfaggotry around these here parts, and I don't plan on continuing his tradition of irl stalking anyone.
As a final note, I'm not personally trying to achieve Oni's level of notoriety on the web, and it would genuinely surprise me to discover anyone blogging about some unwashed rat from the internet who finds amusement in satirizing everyone on a satire site and gratification in maintaining the place in his free time. Vermin    03:38, 24 February 2015 (EST)
This talk is gay Tigercommander 03:42, 24 February 2015 (EST)
You can't even begin to comprehend it, sperg. Vermin    10:35, 24 February 2015 (EST)
Well, most of them use ED because ED is all that's left. Hipcrime (the group, not the ED user) destroyed around half of my original Usenet posts utilizing a particular exploit when it was still owned by Deja News. And my original FaceBook account got obliterated with some two million postings and well over 10,000 images, my sites likewise got hammered into oblivion via DDoS attacks and the majority of the volatile groups I've interacted with have been obliterated as well. From The Portal Of Evil, to 888Chan to the ever redundant reformations of Something Awful Sycophant Squad, etc, etc... ED is one of the very few things that's still in existence. And even ED almost got wiped out when Doxbin was taken over by the feds... in fact it still might be under threat from that actually. A search of ED and Doxbin brings up over 6,000 results with many bloggers and news sites claiming that the two sites are directly intertwined. Legally they wouldn't necessarily have a very strong case, but that often doesn't matter much, just look at Weev for example. In any event, hopefully this rendition of ED will stay coherently intact for at least a few years, but nothing is very certain. If ED were to topple over some 7,000 images I've uploaded (a lot of which are original work) would instantly go *poof* right along with it. --U Mad Bro 04:55, 24 February 2015 (EST)
We just document past and ongoing internet drama. For the most part what is posted on ED is true, just embellished and written in a satirical and comical way.

The only way we will let ED go offline is in handcuffs or bodybags.




Your images should be safe with us, bruh. Vermin    10:35, 24 February 2015 (EST)
^Hi Onideus Tigercommander 05:04, 24 February 2015 (EST)

2013: Restraining Order from Drew Barrymore

This is what makes Matthew's tiny dick hard

To the surprise of absolutely no-one, Fatter is of course also an obsessive stalker. And instead of obsessing over a pretty girl like most would, this retard is attracted to the 3/10-would-not-bang actress Drew Barrymore. He has taken his obsession to the next level, where he genuinely stalks her, and downloads all images of her, especially pictures from her childhood. In fact, the fat fuck stalks her so much that the startled actress even made a urgent public announcement that she was tired of Matthew's obsession.

But despite her constant pleas and restraining orders, Fatter just can't get over how much he wants to fuck child-Drew.

Yep, obsessing over Drew Barrymore and defending Pedophilia, just another day in the life of Matthew

What Onideus essentially is:

She is fucking hideous About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Honestly, how bad does one have to get when even a chick that will fuck Tom Green turns you down?

  • Can we keep talking about this under the removed section instead of over it? It's less confusing. oddguy 05:20, 24 February 2015 (EST)
No. Vermin    10:35, 24 February 2015 (EST)

whoever is adding SSN's in meta description is losing their privs

As soon as I get home and go through the logs. Only editors and admins can edit that so it greatly narrows it down. Good job fuckstick. --Mantequilla (talk) 13:01, 23 March 2015 (EDT)

Is that an abbreviation of sorts? CobaltCat 13:07, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
Social security numbers --Mantequilla (talk) 13:11, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
Oh, now it makes sense for a dumb eurofag. CobaltCat 13:22, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
I'm more concerned with whether they've done it on any other articles/images. I might be wrong but I think if the feds want to try and nail you for something like that it requires the consent/cooperation of the person it's been done to. So this instance probably isn't too terribly important, but if they've been doing it on other articles... then that might not be so good. Not sure if there's an easy way to check through all the meta descriptors of every article, but I'm thinking at least the current/popular articles should probably be checked... especially a lot of those GamerGate related articles, those seem like the types that would be ripe for abuse. --U Mad Bro 13:39, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
Well I'm not really worried about being charged for it cuz I am protected by section 230c.1 of the communications decency act, I am concerned for the actual article subjects and the site in general, ED is not meant to be a dox repository, it is meant to be a drama repository. If those who have the privs to edit the meta descriptions could go through and check out the and look through the meta sections at the bottom of the edit pages and make sure there is no dox I would appreciate it. --Mantequilla (talk) 15:00, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
That's all well and good as far as civil liability, but federal criminal liability is exempt (as is intellectual property law). The feds basically get to do as they please a lot of the time. So if they're just posting addresses and names it wouldn't matter, but if they're posting social security numbers, well, that falls under federal jurisdiction. They've been able to use that before to go after sites like Dox Bin and so forth. If it's at all possible I would try and scan the entire site for SSNs, or at the very least check and see if the person who added them to this article added them to any other articles. --U Mad Bro 15:31, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
As long as we are actively removing stuff as we find it I am not gonna stress over it. --Mantequilla (talk) 16:01, 23 March 2015 (EDT)
Yeah I don't think it's too big a deal, I think the deal with Dox Bin is that people were actively contacting those in charge and then they wouldn't remove stuff after being directly notified, so basically they were aware of the stuff but then did nothing to remove them. But then they also had problems with people posting financial data, usernames/passwords and even classified documents. As long as it's policy to remove them then I don't think there's much they can do... well, I would presume so anyway (I'm not a legal expert by any means). --U Mad Bro 18:18, 23 March 2015 (EDT)


I'll add this later when i get home

My history on this site... At one point I infuriated the entire left side of Europe and people thought I owned the site because I was the most active admin at the time, as such my entire town became the target of constant bomb threats. So in order to put an end to that I basically sacrificed my janitorial privileges (adminship) by infuriating all of ED and forcing them to turn on me, essentially "faking my Internet death" if you will. I then later resurfaced once the craziness stopped under an uber generic pseudonym in order to continue editing and adding content. A lot of the old ED regs though still have a lot of pent up resentment towards me cause apparently I ~really~ made them ass flustered. ^__^


—Onideus,he trolled us all

Tigercommander 01:59, 28 March 2015 (EDT)


This shit needs updating Tigercommander 03:17, 3 April 2015 (EDT)

  • Not really. He hasn't done anything worthwhile since I finished writing this. The only thing that changed is that he rejoined the site for a few months with an obvious sock, was allowed to continue editing because he was a useful retard to keep around, and was eventually banned again when his autism inevitably overflowed. Not very interesting. oddguy 05:42, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
And the only reason Zaiger demodded me is because I specifically antagonized him into doing so in several e-mails. Wasn't that hard for me to do, emotional instability infliction is my forte afer all. His skin is thicker than most... but I'm the God of humanity's demons... and the ones that make you mad are arguably the easiest for me to manipulate. --U Mad Bro 15:04, 2 April 2015 (EDT)


Tigercommander 05:48, 3 April 2015 (EDT)

  • He says this sort of thing all the time. It's not news. oddguy 05:52, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
Jew Tigercommander 05:53, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
>He hasn't done anything worthwhile since I finished writing this.
You aren't the only writer and there are noteworthy things about his return. I don't feel like writing about Onideus but if someone else does they are welcome to do so. Tigercommander would you ass a link to that forum thread? There were some good quotes in it. Or if you want to add a new section, I'm help you proofread. reply 06:07, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
I'll add a new section later about his fight with kiwe farms forums Tigercommander 06:10, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
OK cool. It was funny when he accused everyone of being a pedophile. reply 06:20, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
  • Kiwe forums? What happened there? Are you talk about the WCWki forum? Because I think someone already wrote about that. oddguy 06:30, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
No its not in the article. I'm talking about this.Tigercommander 06:35, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
  • also
== fake section ==

* This entire thing is wrong. I never double-checked it because I thought it was something Schnookums uncovered during his obsessive stalking, but it turns out it's just some bullshit that Cobalt made up. Just gonna paste it in here. [[File:G Head.png|30px|link= User:Oddguy]] [[Gary Busey|<span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size: 14px">oddguy</span>]] [[File:G Head.png|30px|link= User Talk:Oddguy]] 17:14, 20 February 2015 (EST)

What the fuck Oddguy?Why is a somewhat amusing section being blanked just because it isn't 100% factual?What gives you the right to do that? Are you going to ask we cite our sources from now on too?-[[User:Boudica|Boudica]] 20:52, 21 February 2015 (EST)

Because the reality of who he is is a lot funnier than anything I can make up and not having too much bullshit he can easily refute on here will make it easier for people to troll him. Also I wrote 99% of this article and the person who added that doesn't give a fuck if I remove it. [[File:G Head.png|30px|link= User:Oddguy]] [[Gary Busey|<span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size: 14px">oddguy</span>]] [[File:G Head.png|30px|link= User Talk:Oddguy]] 04:20, 22 February 2015 (EST)
:OK,fair enough. I just didn't think it not being true was a good reason to rm shit.--[[User:Boudica|Boudica]] 15:22, 22 February 2015 (EST)

:99%? You [[USI]] much, Jewfag? At tops 90%, you useless big nose. And I didn't care if you showed your penis, something you have yet to do. [[File:Cobalt Cat.jpg|25px]] [[user:atomicnumber27|<span style="color:green;">CobaltCat</span>]] 05:19, 22 February 2015 (EST) 

::LOL, why would anyone even want to take credit for such a horrible mess of stupid in the first place?  You know what this article is?  It's this...
::Ahahahahahaha, no seriously, that's what this article is.  It's like you took dozens of random tidbits, reposts of reposts of reposts, blatant forgeries and some stuff by completely off the wall people I've never even heard of and then smashed them all together into this hilarious mess of incoherent retardation.  My personal favorites though have got to be the Raymond Dixon forgeries.  I mean those were so blazingly obvious that even the most fuckwitted of imbeciles would have been able to tell they weren't genuine.
::The funny part is, there was actually some pretty damning posts made back in the 90s and early 2ks.  Like outright sociopathic stuff.  Not even trolling but just outright sadistic psychological torture...
::The stuff with "trolling" suicide and mental health groups was also pretty horrible.  Thankfully there's no worry about most of that winding up in this article, since most of the names that were used aren't well known.  Maybe Malkavian and Maldis but the rest are safely hidden.  Not that it matters anyway since there's no way for you to know the encoding sequences that were used in the control posts...
::Oh, oh, ain't that a bitch!  :D
::At best all this article can do is paint Onideus up as an ineffectual clown not to be taken seriously, which is honestly quite handy... or it was anyway, before it became outright idiotic and completely unbelievable.  Now all it can do is provide an outlet for a few overly ass enraged EDF users to let off some butt steam... although there is still a significant trolling potential on that front... I'll keep that to myself though.
::  --[[User:U Mad Bro|U Mad Bro]] 08:33, 22 February 2015 (EST)

:Probably because no one takes it seriously at all anymore.  It's got so much random, off the wall, completely fucking absurd stupidity in it that it just looks like a mess of angry tweenage muppet fuck.  It's fine though, there are other identities that can be used, like Sonmanic's or Deeker's for example.  Their articles are nice and clean and have very directed purpose, so they still work for "fun".  This one though is effectively worthless now.  No matter how much enraged anger is inflicted into a target they no longer even attempt to use any material from ED anymore.  The only one that even came close was a guy who was reduced to spastic, screaming death threats and even then the only thing he used was that "bingo" bit (probably the only good edit that was actually added).  Removing just that one silly bit won't balance it out though, so it doesn't really matter... well, I suppose if you want to make Boudica angry you take it back out.  LOL  --[[User:U Mad Bro|U Mad Bro]] 22:16, 21 February 2015 (EST)

:I consider this entire effort to be a fan page for Oni. Look at how much time, effort, and contribs went into this thing. Holy shit, it's huge! Thanks to ED, this Usenet-based freak is now internet infamous. How could anyone think this article could be used to troll him? And btw calling someone who wears diapers a "diaperfag" etc likely gets him off. js. <font face="Matura MT Script Capitals">[[User:Vermin|<span style="color:red">Vermin</span>]]</font>  [[File:vermin-rat.jpg|25px|link=User:Vermin/Personal_fap_vault]]  10:44, 22 February 2015 (EST)

::Oni was "Internet famous" long before ED.  In fact the very reason ED was even created was because Sherrod got her ass flamed out of groups like alt.usenet.kooks by regulars like Oni and she stormed off to the web to "start her own group" as such.  This article doesn't even cover outside media stuff.  Like that one web radio talk show that semi-recently featured Oni...
::It doesn't even cover Oni's AUK awards (although some were later stripped out of spite).
::Oni is probably most "Internet famous" for his websites though, which people still yammer on about...
::Pretty sure most of the Internet cares more about the missing "toys" Oni made than they do Oni himself though.  I'd say his sites are more "Internet famous" than he is.  
::He has a few die hard fans that have blogged about him over the years...
::But those don't really count for much I don't think. --[[User:U Mad Bro|U Mad Bro]] 19:49, 22 February 2015 (EST)

:::That's deffo infamy, and it seems like all the included sources cite ED as the prime source of information for the ol' Hatter, or at least as a "for more information see this page" footnote. I personally had never heard of him before ED, so what I was trying to say is that ED more or less thrust him into the spotlight as far as said infamy goes.

:::About Sherrod though, the official record states that she began ED after experiencing drama on LiveJournal, not Usenet. That's not to say Usenet didn't add inspiration, however.

:::Of course this article wouldn't put any personal accomplishments on a pedestal like that. It's more like ED's own "fuck you" for being what they perceived as an insufferable, text-walling smarty pants who had a penchant for flaunting babyfurs and infantilism.

:::I myself have experienced my share of backlash in the past just for being myself and operating on my own as opposed to playing the atrocious circle jerk game. You may remember your old weasel pal Schnookums? Him and I used to get along and chat all the time, until I decided I didn't want to be a player in his make-believe IRC vs forums civil war anymore. After that I was labeled as a "back stabber," and after I satirically mocked a few of ED's admins by referring to them as janitors, I earned my own fan page on the wiki. 

:::Schnookums had restored previously-deleted nude photos I had uploaded at hipcrime's request in an effort to shame me, and had traced my history on ED all the way back to .com and republished MySpace-era photos and shit I had written in my user space as a failtroll persona to try and label me as arrogant and homosexual. He had also linked to archived snapshots of deleted week-old accounts I had typed up to use as fodder for a personal article request using the same trollsona that posted the nudes.
:::The reason I bring this up is because he had similarly tried his best to convince zaiger that Oni was a pedo and run him off the site by Googling up his personal information, stalking his mother and her place of employment, defacing the memorial sites of his dead family members, and ordering pizza to his house. All of this simply because he got into an internet slapfight that his passive-aggressive "neutral observer" persona couldn't win. Suffice to say, I have usurped his position as captain of furfaggotry around these here parts, and I don't plan on continuing his tradition of irl stalking anyone.
:::As a final note, I'm not personally trying to achieve Oni's level of notoriety on the web, and it would genuinely surprise me to discover anyone blogging about some unwashed rat from the internet who finds amusement in satirizing everyone on a satire site and gratification in maintaining the place in his free time. <font face="Matura MT Script Capitals">[[User:Vermin|<span style="color:red">Vermin</span>]]</font>  [[File:vermin-rat.jpg|25px|link=User:Vermin/Personal_fap_vault]]  03:38, 24 February 2015 (EST)

::::This talk is gay [[Image:Libya after feb.png|35px|link=user_talk:Tigercommander]][[User:Tigercommander|Tigercommander]] 03:42, 24 February 2015 (EST)

:::::You can't even begin to comprehend it, sperg. <font face="Matura MT Script Capitals">[[User:Vermin|<span style="color:red">Vermin</span>]]</font>  [[File:vermin-rat.jpg|25px|link=User:Vermin/Personal_fap_vault]]  10:35, 24 February 2015 (EST)

::::Well, most of them use ED because ED is all that's left.  Hipcrime (the group, not the ED user) destroyed around half of my original Usenet posts utilizing a particular exploit when it was still owned by Deja News.  And my original FaceBook account got obliterated with some two million postings and well over 10,000 images, my sites likewise got hammered into oblivion via DDoS attacks and the majority of the volatile groups I've interacted with have been obliterated as well.  From The Portal Of Evil, to 888Chan to the ever redundant reformations of Something Awful Sycophant Squad, etc, etc... ED is one of the very few things that's still in existence.  And even ED almost got wiped out when Doxbin was taken over by the feds... in fact it still might be under threat from that actually.  A search of ED and Doxbin brings up over 6,000 results with many bloggers and news sites claiming that the two sites are directly intertwined.  Legally they wouldn't necessarily have a very strong case, but that often doesn't matter much, just look at Weev for example.  In any event, hopefully this rendition of ED will stay coherently intact for at least a few years, but nothing is very certain.  If ED were to topple over some 7,000 images I've uploaded (a lot of which are original work) would instantly go *poof* right along with it.  --[[User:U Mad Bro|U Mad Bro]] 04:55, 24 February 2015 (EST)

{{quote|We just document past and ongoing internet drama. For the most part what is posted on ED is true, just embellished and written in a satirical and comical way.

The only way we will let ED go offline is in handcuffs or bodybags.|zaiger}}

:::::Your images should be safe with us, bruh. <font face="Matura MT Script Capitals">[[User:Vermin|<span style="color:red">Vermin</span>]]</font>  [[File:vermin-rat.jpg|25px|link=User:Vermin/Personal_fap_vault]]  10:35, 24 February 2015 (EST)

:::::^'''Hi Onideus''' [[Image:Libya after feb.png|35px|link=user_talk:Tigercommander]][[User:Tigercommander|Tigercommander]] 05:04, 24 February 2015 (EST)

Srsly he and vermin sucked each other for like 11kbs of text Tigercommander 06:49, 3 April 2015 (EDT)

  • Well, then IT IS in the article. That's the CWCki forum. oddguy 06:59, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
I guess he got fully milked then, but i still think we should make a section about his new sock Tigercommander 07:10, 3 April 2015 (EDT)
  • I personally wouldn't make a new section because it isn't a big deal. Maybe briefly mention it in the preexisting section since the article is long enough as it is. I'll write something up. oddguy 07:22, 3 April 2015 (EDT)

Props to all you motherfuckers, this article is dope as fuck.

Bittersteel 06:00, 11 September 2015 (EDT)Bittersteel

Dear Onideus

You still lurk this site so I know you'll read this shit. You got some serious psychological damage and you need to definitely see a shrink. Good luck with your life. - (Al Gore) 17:36, 18 April 2017 (EDT)

  • nazi larping school shooter vs 40 year old usi diaper fur lol Schnitzel (talk) 17:26, 25 January 2022 (EST)

This article needs a serious update

With his return in 2019, and 2020, I feel like it would be appropriate that we ad more to this daiperfag's saga. ^_^ Dancing Spiderman 02:02 3 July 2021 (EDT)