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Moar info: Superlisamcb.

Badoongadunga- what the fuck

Excusico- Excuse me

Dadatay- Today

Didadey- Didn't They

Macheesta- My Lovely

Nopsies- Nope

Pacreecra- Pansie

Boulay- Bright

Sovier- Super

Salarier- Solar

Sovifierfo- Stinky

Boquito- Beautiful

Freeko- Fuck

Sofifo- Large

Surrindo- Surrender

Baffise- Big

Roffinto- Rough

Foofini- Food

Ifedano- Intense

Shifo- Shirt

Paffo- Pants

Tucela- Tight

Chiflo- Clean

Dirfin- Dirty

Jinfo- Junk

Kizendo- Kisses

Truco- Truck

Vanifo- Great

Crusdie- Crush

Toasta- Toast

Crustala- Crust

Foofie- Fool

Note To Faggots

There is no censorship on the interwebz, therefore there is no need to censor words in such ways like fuck becoming f*** etc.

See Also

Superlisamcb/Language is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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