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SoFlo, aka Antonio Lievano is a modern-day scam artist, which includes making shitty YouTube prank videos as well as stealing people's videos, and then putting them on his own Facebook, and reaping in all the cash. One day after h3h3productions aka Ethan Klein made fun of him one too many times, he fucking snapped, and went on the most butthurt crusade ever seen.

Facebook embezzlement scam

Antonio is literally the most uncreative fuck to ever live, so instead of making his own videos, he steals videos adds a short intro of him, and then passes it own as his own material. Of course the original creator doesn't get to see any of that sweet Zuckerberg gold. But apparently someone found this objectionable. Can't imagine why anyone would find downright theft objectionable, so Antonio had to come up with a new way to scam creative people out of their money and without even linking to their content. Make a dozen false Facebook accounts, with shitty names like Gthtjtkt and just link to them instead. Double the views, double the profits.

Seems legit

Prank videos

Besides stealing from people, Antonio likes to make fake pranks. He uses some of that Zuckerberg gold to buy cheap sluts, so he can make kissing pranks. The pranks are literally just him making out with girls, which is the furthest he has ever gotten regardless of how many money he showed up front.

Spat with H3H3 productions

Have you ever been so mad because you got assblasted by some fat fuck who exposed your scam methods, that you went on to make several nonsense videos, that not even your fans liked?

That's embarrassing

Antonio's expose of H3H3 literally consisted of him saying NO U, while crying like the fucking manchild he is.

The original
The follow up
Response to the butthurt


External links

SoFlo is part of a series on

Social Media

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