Redd Foxx

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Redd Foxx
Born John Elroy Sanford
December 9, 1922
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Death October 11, 1991 of Massive Heart Attack
Website Official Site

Redd Foxx (Born December 9, 1922 – Died October 11, 1991 - Myocardial infarction) was an American actor, comedian, pitchman, and philosopher best known for starring in his own television sitcom, Mad TV. He also is known for his wild and outlandish stage act where he would often slip into a linguistically challenging version of his own slang.


Enjoying a Jello Pudding Pop.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.


—Young Redd Foxx

Foxx was born in Philadelphia and raised by his parents. Nothing spectacular occurred to Bill until he joined the army and performed the duties of a medical corpsman aboard naval ships, army and marine bases, and the Bethesda naval hospital in Maryland. After his stint in the marines, he came home and had nothing much to do, so he panhandled, performed street mime, and begged for quarters on various Philly street corners. At some point he became a doctor of Education (not really a doctor, but humor him) and then much later on he produced, acted, and owned some television shows. In 1991 he died of a massive heart attack at the age of 69, screaming “I’M COMING TO JOIN YOU ELIZABETH…I’M COMING TO JOIN YOU!”

Wearing one of the world famous sweat shirts.
Spokesperson for the New Coke.

Around the Internet

On the set

His success on television naturally progressed to success on the internet. Even though he has been dead over 15 years, Foxx and his many characters are still popular, in the form of memes, today. Some of the more interesting things Foxx was responsible for are now popular on many sites. For example, his wild and zany RANDOM slang is often used when a person cannot be understood.

Cosby and Robert Culp on the set of I Spy.

Goodnight Sweet Prince

This is the big one! You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to join ya, honey!


—Legendary last words…1991.

Upon his death due to a massive heart attack, the world was shocked and saddened by the departure of one of its brightest and most witty comedic minds. Several notable stars and former co-stars attended the funeral, including Robert Culp, Ty Cobb, LaWanda Page, Martin Luther King jr., Lena Horne, Redd Foxx, Grady Wilson, Theodore Aloysius "Theo" Huxtable, Bubba Baxter, Tempestt Bledsoe, Barack Obama, and Keshia Knight Pulliam. During the proceedings, Norm MacDonald, appearing in his Burt Reynolds costume, was asked to speak on Bill Cosby’s behalf and he gave a stirring and memorable tribute to Foxx.


A clown prince of will be missed.
A girl's legs are her best friends... but even the best of friends must part.


—On women.


Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.


—On his in-laws.

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.


—On Health.

I'm convinced that The Cosby Kids show middle-class America a lot of what they need to know.


—Near death, Foxx went insane.

The show doesn't drive home a lesson, but it can open up people's minds enough for them to see how stupid every kind of prejudice can be.


—Comment on “Kids Say the Darndest Things”

I ain't afraid to give you one across the lips!


—Speaking to Theo.

We could have a little pork and beans now and a little zucchini later. Or a little zucchini now and a little pork and beans later. Or if you like the pork and beans, you can have them and I'll take the zucchini or I can take the pork and beans and you the zucchini so what will it be? Zucchini or pork and beans?


—Silly Foxx! The oven don’t work!

If God wanted you to eat Puerto Rican Food, he would have lined your stomach with Pepto Bismol.


—Foxx was a noted friend of the Puerto Rican community.

You’re going into business with that Puerto Rican? You ought to call yourselves “Julio and Big Foolio.”


—More of his touching words.

Hazel, if I hit you in the mouth, I bet your lips get to the hospital before the ambulance.


—Always a jokester!

You hear that Elizabeth? I’m coming to join you, and I’m bringin’ a 5th of Ripple. (Glug, Glug) Well, maybe not quite a 5th.


—He was also a noted wine connoisseur.

Tell Bill Cosby to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!


Eddie Murphy.



Chatting about farts.

Selling Colt .45 to white people?

In the Huxtable home, chatting with his neighbors.

See Also

External Links