Ready Player One

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Welcome to 2007 everybody!
Brianna Wu's true and honest thoughts on Ready Player One.

Ready Player One is a movie based on a "book", by which we mean poorly written Gary Stu fan fiction written by an obese, aging loser desperately wishing his life was as interesting and amazing as his childhood pop culture fantasies. On the surface it seems like nostalgia pandering wrapped up in an extremely poorly premised plot, but in fact the rabbit hole goes much deeper. The movie is set in the near future, which is largely based on an amalgam of random humor images largely stemming from about a decade ago, illustrating just how completely lacking in originality the industry is these days. Eventually every new book and movie will be based upon random meme mashups. It's like someone tripped on over some random archive of out of date Internet humor images, threw it all into a blender and then decided to make a make-shift Meepsheep's Law inspired dystopian discourse that makes about as much sense as Björk rambling on incoherently about how the inside of her television looks like a city.

The Movie

The movie is an all out rip-off of The World for anyone who has ever played the .Hack series or has seen the anime.

Once you get through ten long minutes of exposition at the begining, they have to distance themselves from .Hack and show that their game is perfect where .Hack was flawed and rife with errors. Most of the movie is spent on character development, worse - most characters get 2 character developments. Their avatar and real world counterpart. Then there's the pop culture references from before your grandparents were born, like Excalibur, and explaining items rather than doing what a movie should do and focus on the plot.

Ready Player One tries its hardest to be a mixture of .Hack and National Treasure that it has to rush through the ending so it doesn't exceed the 2 hour 30 minute mark where it will lose it's target audience of ADHD suffering teens.

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