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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
What? This article does not need any more art of Dragonien, not at all.
You can help by not adding anything, especially not art of Dragonien.
Real Name: Cory Todd Naab
Given Name: Dragonien
Nationality: Americunt  
DOB: Jun 29, 1989
Birthplace Texas
Species: Dragon
Subspecies: Fat

Dragonien (Cory Todd Naab) is a socially retarded macrophile furfag writer on FurAffinity from St Charles in Missouri. He suffers from terminal USI. He is famed in this particular circle of writers only by virtue of his constant pandering to SJWs, niggers and snowflake furfags. He constantly complains about the fact that not that many people want to pay for his overpriced writing commissions on FA, since that is really the only marketable skill this blob of shit has that doesn't involve moving out of his basement.

Do you lack any taste for anything except food? Do you not like having to work for a living? Do you have big ambitions for the perfect socialist utopia that you have spent all of five minutes thinking about? Would you like to live off both your parents and welfare checks for the rest of your life so they can fund a never-ending supply of video games and gay porn? If the answers to those questions were "yes" and your name just so happens to be Cory, then congratulations! You have an audience of over 3,000 other like-minded furry tartlets, a gallery full of furry porn, a ton of tech that would put Dragoneer to shame, and your very own ED article!


Cory on his first day of school, he knew he was destined to be dominant top from day one

Once upon a time in the far away land of Texas, two fat rednecks living out in a trailer park formed a babby and called it Cory. He spent his early life freebasing Mountain Dew and snorting cheeto dust into his early teens. Having a gunt that could have put Ethan Ralph to shame by the age of 12 made him an easy target for bullies and gigachads, but his blubbery mass would prove especially effective at deflecting bullets from school shooters. He had his first sexual awakening with his cousins, probably because he was too fat to run away quickly enough, and was subject to a 5-man gangbang orgy, where one cousin would sit on his face and fart repeatedly while the other four waterboarded him with golden showers. Jokes on them tho, he liked it, and the seed was officially buried for Dragonien's ascension to furfaggotry.

He first broke out with AIDS in furry communities like macrophile.com, and FurAffinity a little later than that. His beginnings on both sites were a little less than professional, as evidenced by several hilarious sprite art comics he made in 2006. If you're good at math, you'll realise he began posting on a furry pr0n gallery when he was 17. So naturally, his level of humor at the time was about on par with Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m, since he was mature for his age and was soooo randum xD. He was also no stranger to 4chan and most likely posted there every summer, with whatever flavor of the month meme was relevant 3 months ago, or posting Milhouse or DSFARGEG. Today he says he regrets ever posting on /b/ and he grew out of it. But what he really means to say is that after enough anons told him to stop summerfagging he got butthurt and went back to documenting his sad little life on Twitter.

Dragonien was also involved in a very gay relationship with Mat, another macrofurry in England at least 100 years ago. The relationship lasted for quite a while as far as furries go, although nobody knows what happened between them to cause their eventual break up, and nobody cares either. He also tried his hand at art, but he gave up because he was obviously shit at it.


In spite of being an obvious political statement and being against FA's 'acceptable upload policy', this is allowed.

If you want to be a massive waste of life just like Dragonien, you can pay for one of his extremely boring, badly written and pretentious stories. That is when he's not busy engaging in his favourite past-time of hornyposting on twitter.

His writing consists mainly of his character domming other smaller characters without their consent, also occasional crush and gore porn just for that extra slice of edgy. And as stated previously, the work you'd get isn't exactly high quality. If you detatch the raw text information from the 'professionally formatted' .PDF file and run it through any proof-reading program, the grammatical and typographical errors are laid bare for all to see.

His biggest undertaking so far is creating a choose-your-own-adventure game that nobody asked for, called Changing Perspectives Again, in which presumably you get control of one of four equally autistic and generic characters, and their constant power struggle to get big and buff. This was a former project of his hosted on Writing.com, only retooled and hosted on his own domain. Whether he's going to leave this unfinished turd on his website, or throw it together in ren.py, anyone can tell you that these kind of 'games' are a dime a dozen. And judging by the lack of enthusiasm on FA and his Twitter addiction, it thankfully won't ever get to a full release.


Dragonien makes over 9000 tweets a day, which can easily be divided into three categories, the first category that make up 80% of his content involve him being a whore, in which he constantly @s other furfags to indulge his fantasies as if they had nothing better to do all day just like him. The other two categories of tweets fall into either repeating Alexandria Ocasio Cortez talking points ad-nauseum, or bitching about how much he hates capitalism, republicans, Nazis, or people who don't like reading his faggy power fantasies like a damn emo kid. Every minor inconvenience is amplified into oblivion to make it sound like he's literally about to die, and oh boy oh boy he wants to make sure you know all about his opinions...

Socialist Scum

Like many other furfags, dragonien is a dirty socialist jew who bitches capitalism on Twitter. The content of these tweets mainly revolve around apologizing for being white, larping as a proud revolutionary, and being self-aware of his larping as a revolutionary. And like many other furfag Bolsheviks just like him, he's a brazen hypocrite about it, because in spite of having the most aggressively capitalist monetization model for his patreon account, accepting commissions and donations and tweeting about his $1,000 Valve Index on his tablet using a premium twitter app, he still considers himself "poor", and in touch with what the poor working classes REALLY want.

Very occasionally he'll browbeat other furfags who do not accept that all non-socialists are literally nazis, and will use his many connections to character assassinate them. Also worth mentioning is the fact that he can certainly dish it out, but can't take it back - if you troll him, improve his artwork or just point out his writing sucks, he'll get butthurt about it. A while ago he made an RPG which was just a circle jerk for his then-friends, and got upset when someone on SoFurry pointed it out.

Some time around Jan 2021 twitter staff locked Dragonien's account because their algorithm detected a threat of violence directed at Mitch McConnell, in response to his tweet about John Lewis.


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The Growthophile Hijack

Because FA is a website perpetually stuck in the pre-web 2.0 era of the internet, if its users want to create groups they have to create an entirely new user account specifically for that purpose. Growthophiles was one of these pages dedicated to reposting (favoriting) content so smaller artists could get exposure for their work. The page was originally owned by Vero_Letum and was created in 2010, but when Dragoneer decided to ban it and remove the username from the database wholesale, Dragonien decided to claim it for himself (which he had no right to do). In the Furileaks archive there is an exchange between Dragoneer and Arekusanderu referencing the event.

It was not Dragonien's account to hijack. I can respect that you may not like him, but Dragonien had no right to take over somebody else's account and lock him out of it.



As of the publishing of this article (2022) there has been no activity on this account for over 8 years. Voco also has not been active on the website at all on his main account, and it still remains voluntarily disabled to this day. The reason for this departure is very likely because of Dragoneer and Dragonien both being morons.

Steal My Stuff

Just in case you didn't want to wait a week until TEXT is released publicly...

July 2021 saw a particularly hilarious escapade when Fagonien submitted a DMCA notice to the owners of kemono.party in an attempt to remove his paywalled content. The letter itself was simply a template form written in a bunch of legally sounding bullshit. But what exactly was the threat? Take a group of pirates to court because they're releasing his material on their website a whole week before he makes it public? Naturally, his demands were answered in the only suitable way, when the CEO of kemono.party responded to him as follows:




—Dear Dragonien,

My name is Ramon Sanchez (Operating online as: "The Phantom Phreak").

>Content was copied onto your servers without permission

Content was not copied onto our servers without permission. A user, who paid for a copy, shared her copy, which we copied. There was no non-consensual or statutory copying. We are not doing computer crime, do not worry!

>such an act amounts to receiving of stolen goods and distributing them without consent.

Are you claiming something was stolen? I will try to look for evidence for you. I did not see a photo or scan of it on the site but I will investigate further. However, if you have really been robbed you are probably mailing the wrong person. If you do not wish to go to the police, at least try filing an insurance claim so you can receive money for a replacement. As unfortunate as it is, this kind of situation makes me very excited for the further development of 3D printers. No one would bother stealing when they could just print their own copy.

>Please also be advised that law requires you, as a service provider, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receiving this notice.

We have not yet gotten the technology to turn off internet tubes, Roskomnadzor guards it close.

>Under US law a service provider, such as yourself enjoys immunity from a copyright lawsuit provided that you act with deliberate speed to investigate and rectify ongoing copyright infringement.

I do not live in the US, I live in Albania. Sorry the reply has been late, I am busy gathering GPUs to heat my home in the winter. Do not worry, in Albania we still enjoy immunity from copyright lawsuits immensely. I am glad you realise how fun it is to share.

>Therefore, in order for you to remain immune from a copyright infringement action you will need to investigate and ultimately remove or otherwise disable the infringing material from your servers with all due speed should the direct infringer, your client, not comply immediately.

My client? I am not legal counsel and I am certainly not representing anyone. If you are looking for someone to proof read your boilerplate, copied legal letters please be careful, they are going after people who copy these days.

On behalf of everyone at Kemono, thank you for your fanart. We saw it on your Twitter and it bought us grate joy! To show our appreciation we are returning to you with our own art. I will send it to you, peer to peer :)

Keep sharing!

Ramon Sanchez Kemono Ward for the Socially Troubled 1337 Cable Street

London, England

Enraged by the flippant reply, he took to his private AD account to rage about the humiliation, pledging to hire a lawyer to litigate a case that any American court would have just LOVED to hear. Of course, this never went anywhere since Dragonien was just venting on the internet again, and kemono.party had better things to do than continue responding to empty legal threats.

Last Thursday Dragonien made a post on his patreon account making a public statement on the fact that horny anons are huffing paint thinner and scraping his content for kemono.party. The post is not only TL;DR, but also contradictory, as he says himself the only paywalled content is wips and proof of concept stuff (spoiler: it's not - he posts passwords to try out his 'game') and it wasn't worth the effort to pirate his content. One thing he neglects to regard that kemono.party is an archive, hosted in a foreign land that doesn't give two shits about copyright infringement. So, even if he pulled a FYIAD and flounced off the face of the earth, he'd be unable to touch what would effectively be a permanent archive of his faggotry, which explains his neurotic obsession with kemono.party.

"They weren't gonna pay for it anyway." Then wait a week. It'll be free. Saying you had no intention of paying for something is not a justification for stealing it. Especially from small time freelancers like myself. You don't get to go to a car dealership and say a car is too expensive then just drive off with it and its ok. That's theft.



You wanna steal? Go shoplift from wal mart. I'll even cheer you on. they're a faceless corporation that steals from society to enrich their owners. But Stealing from a mom and pop store or a freelance artist like myself is directly taking money out of the hands of real people that need that money to live.



I'm asking nicely. I don't want to have to track people down and I don't want to have to start considering legal action. I mean for fucks sake its just waiting a few days then you get EVERYTHING. So please stop.



>muh copyrights bawwww ;_;

Writing About Himself

Normally it is ED policy to not list dox of people on this wiki, but Dragonien was someone so exceptional he did it all the way back in 2006, in story form no less. On macrophile.com's BBS, he posted a story recalling a dream he once had, and for whatever little sense it made, he chose to use his REAL NAME. That's right, he doxxed himself 15 years ago as of this edit, and nobody noticed until now!

Only a week apart from these two posts lel

Without this little breadcrumb of information that he left on some furfag forum from 2006, we wouldn't know certain embarrassing details about him today, such as:

  • Dragonien has a criminal record, because in 2014 he failed to equip his car with an adequate muffler, and his irl name and address is now linked on a publicly accessible database because this standard practice in Missouri.
  • He used Google Plus at some point and used his fursona as the avatar, confirming that this is his REAL NAME
  • He has a facebook account, and boasted about spending $400 on a gaming chair on both accounts like a nugget
  • In an old archived journal on FA, he wanted to punch an elderly lady in the face

Since he BAWWWW'd enough to make the owners of this ancient forum close 'for maintenance', it would appear that this is one story he'd rather you didn't read. If you do want to however, you can view it here. You know it's a good yarn if the first chapter of this planned series references a literal divorce between his parents.


The bigger they are, the harder you cringe' About missing Pics
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External Links

Dragonien is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.