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The Anti-Lulz Era (July 17th, 2007-Present)

On July 16th, 2007 the site experienced a 'big' redesign with features such as "New Emoticons" (Happy Face, Sad Face, Angry Face), Secret Items (actual screenshot of "secrets"... one has to wonder how Tom's father feels about his son's late-onset prostitution fetish), level icons (including a half-naked male body, golden-tan and glistening with sweat), auras (including the meaning-laced "Fab" aura), and blogs as part of the userpage package (a prime example of which can be found on the userpage of the intellectual heavyweight known as "TheButt"). This event marked the end of the Imaginary Wars Era, and few today even possess a memory of the time before this cataclysmic event took place.

Since the inception of the much-lauded "Redesign" of the website, a general decline, if that description is even applicable to a site that consistently demonstrates its ability to find new depths of oblivious idiocy, has occurred amongst both the user base of this decidedly-virgin populace and the features of the site itself. These new features include, but are not limited to: Weeaboo pandering, copiously-sprinkled penis jokes, and a forum that steadily delves into lower cesspools with each passing "Pee in your sink!" thread, "Rate my [hallucinatory] Girlfriend!" thread, or even the occasional, but obligatory "Announcement of Impotency" thread.

The ever increasing SJW-Nazism of Administrators and Moderators (see sections below "Administration," "BBS→Moderators," and "BBS→Community Members→Corrupt Administrator" for moar info) has even caused a downward spiral of idiocy in the Forums, which were already polluted during the Imaginary War Era with disgruntled moralfags.

All of this is damning proof that Tom cares little about what his site used to stand for (angst-ridden teens bent on having a good time at school), and would now prefer to change it into a Gaiaspace clone-cum-Faggot Hang-Out ($$$$) rather than clean out the nobly-named "Kitty Krew" flash group's incredibly thought-provoking analysis of the human condition. It's been a long road from passable social critique to active encouragement of Anti-Lulz in the post-redesign era, but what's become clearer than ever in the past several years is that this cesspool of cowshit sure as fuck isn't getting any shallower.

They really hate adblock.

Until just Last Thursday Jewgrounds was run by communists. Tom Fulp wanted to have the Chinese buy their Merchandise so they blocked out everything above T rated They stopped being sponsored because the commies wanted to remove the forum, deny comments to flashes, and the flash and audio portals.. Meanwhile the three dominant memes of the site such as BEDN and Dancing Owen would soon follow the fate of moving out of the BBS and into the Flash Portal as its own independent flash. To this day, Tom Fulp continues to show complete and utter contempt for the casual browser and whatever remaining fanbase he has left by starting an advertising and deletion campaign that makes petulant demands to anyone blocking ads to over a bazillion internet RPGS to visit the shop and buy crap nobody wants.

Newgrounds died after 2007. Here's proof.

Starting in the 2010s, the administration swiftly got overtaken by social justice warriors and other liberal degenerates, similar to the overall decline of the internet from normies and hipsters. When YouTube was polished enough to be fast and easy to use to the public back in 2006, it accelerated the decline of Newgrounds, as people no longer had to wait 5 minutes for shitty flashes to load and could simply watch videos on any topic imaginable. Hypocritical actions by Tom Fulp, such as the deletion of Ryan Lambourn's game, The Slaying Of Sandy Hook, helped to further the decline by pushing more users away. Tom was the same guy who made a game called Pico's School, a direct parody of the Columbine High School Massacre of the late 1990s. In 2016, due to copyright trolls by big corporations, the staff began to delete thousands of videos; literally anything that used copyrighted music at all. Many deleted flashes went back decades into the site's history, such as the Numa Numa guy's original upload, and Jeff Weise's flashes. Tom didn't delete his shit though, instead getting one of his rabid fanboys to make new music to replace the old shit for Pico's School. This, paired with the fact that almost all of the content submitted to the site after 2007 was autistic, cancerous and un-charming, helped to kill what was once the central hub of the intarwebz- the YouTube of the late 90s and early 2000s.

The copyright trolls siege against Newgrounds was inevitable considering that Tom rarely did shit to suck off the MPAA, allowing thousands of pizza-faced teenagers to pile up several gigabytes of data featuring copyrighted material for decades. The weight of the content became so great that the media kikes knew they just needed to eventually attack. Couple this with the fact that Google blocked Newgrounds from its adsense program (similar to what those assholes did to us), essentially killing any revenue the site could make, it will be surprising to see Newgrounds last into the 2020s- but only time will tell. One thing is for certain; any energy of the OG Newgrounds is lost forever, outside the memories of the oldfags who have long since moved on.