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This page is about an attempted an hero.
Neogrant is in an internet sissy fight with Lunar-Neo.
Please dig up lulz on them both.
Leslie Casillas
Given Name(s) Grant, Gay Furfag, Animal Possibly Character Thief?
Nationality Americunt  
Born 2000
Residence Unknown
deviantART noecreamcheese (Inactive)
Dumblr neogrant (active)

Neogrant is a 17-year-old furfag who formally lived in the residence of DeviantArt. Due to the fetish art and brainless users that she had encountered over there, she moved to a more peaceful place where she can manipulate underage kids; and that place is Instagram. There she formed a huge cult worth of 1,000 whiteknights due to her art improvement. Since then her art style was favorited by many fangirls, especially because of her "original" character named "Neo" in which she stole from an artist with lesser talent. She's also a huge slut for BATIM and Undertale as well.

Character Drama

But vice versa.
Grant's Instagram

The first thing that you would see in Neogrant's Instagram profile is how many times she drew her favorite furtard Neo. In reality however, back in 2012, she actually stole the character in Flipnote Hatena from a cucky artist named lunar-neo and dedicated her whole life to this specific character. (Even changing her name to Neogrant and stealing Lunar's ideas.) Since then Lunar and his friends tried to claim the rights of that character back but miserably failed due to Grant's retarded fangirls believing every word she says. Grant then bitches to her fans on how depression and pressure takes her over due to this drama and how she asskisses every follower she receives. When being confronted by some curious tartlets, Grant either tries to hide the drama, tries to lie about it, and even tries to create fake evidence about the situation. As you can she CLEARLY copied the character from Lunar but due to her art style, description changes, color changes, and extra furry features, her fanbase became as blind as Stevie Wonder. Hell, she doesn't even know what her character even is yet she always refer Neo as an "animal" instead of calling it by its true species. (Which are Nytoans created by Lunar btw.)

File:Neo character.PNG
Grant's recent reference
File:Neo ref 2017 by lunar neo-dawko32.png
Lunar's recent reference
The Furry Drama About missing Pics
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Grant's First OC

You just got BWLLOCKED!1!!

Before Grant found Lunar-Neo and basically stole his identity and followers, she used to have an ORIGINAL character named Musical Note, but after she viewed Lunar's oc Neo, she trashed the character and started copying him. Then a few years later she suddenly re-drew the character for all to see, claiming that it's just an un-used regular oc, when in reality it's her attempt at trying to be "creative" for once in her life. No tartlet why she would trash a perfectly good mary-sue design for a simple one, but damn what a horrible decision she made. Her fans however, tried to assist her to end the situation by giving her re-designs for Neo but instead she rejected them and blocked them instead.

She could have continued to use the character instead of trashing it like a retard.

Fake Evidence

Getting rekt by a Sombra main.

When it comes to showing the facts that you have your character for a very long time, Neogrant is the worst example of that. When being questioned at first she gets extremely bitchy and starts sprewing harassment everywhere towards the user. When asked in dms however she tries her very best to manipulate the living shit out of you until you start to fall in love with her shitty artwork and story-telling. Then tries to recruit you on the #neogrant crew to try and fight off those who are "attacking" her. However she always attempts to switch up her story and even at one point tries to draw bootlegs of her Neo to try and convince a user that she drew it when she was a little brat.

Sheesh what a way to respond to someone who just wants proof imao.
Neocunt refusing to clear her name.
Conversation at the DMs About missing Pics
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Flipnote Studio

The only legit evidence that Grant can braggingly apply is her flipnotes. Flipnote Studio is a software on the DS that you basically animate/draw edgy shit with. Both Lunar and Grant have a Nintendo DS so that they can post flipnotes on the now dead Flipnote Hatena. She claims that since the flipnotes that contain Neo are "old", it means that she had the character first. But little does the furfag know that you can actually overwrite/copy flipnotes so that they could change the date. So Grant basically showed invalid evidence that contains altered year dates. Yet furtards still believe her anyways instead of looking at the facts.

This one pre-dates Undertale which is a game made in 2015, not 2009 lol.
Altered Flipnote Dates About missing Pics
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Grant even stated that she actually sold her DS yet posts recent flipnotes on a website called Sudomemo (which is a bootleg version of Hatena). It's also amusing that her recent flipnote is her trying to manipulate her sudomemo fans about the situation as well.

Sudomemo Lies About missing Pics
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When all else fails Grant also likes to use suicide as a method of not only gaining asspats from her fans but also use it as a threat if she doesn't get what she wants. She also draws vent art constantly to express her fweelings during the situation.

Strange how she puts hearts on vent art.
A tartlet getting pissed on Grant's DA profile.

Grant Draws Porn and Crackships

This is why the BATIM fandom is going down quickly than the Undertale fandom.

In order to keep underage fans at bay, Grant draws porn/suggestive images for more likes and compliments. She also likes shipping herself with Bendy a lot and draws porn/fetish artwork of Sans in her spare time. What's pretty disturbing is that she secretly insults Lunar by simply drawing porn of Neo, basically abusing the character into having hardcore sex and crackships.

Behold the nudes of Neogrant About missing Pics
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External links

Attention Whore.

Narcissm centre

Neogrant is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Neogrant is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.