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Want a piece of candy, little girl?

Mwmiller is a troll, homosexual and vorarephile who has caught the internet disease. He takes pictures of himself in black and white due to severe acne and to hide the lividity of the burn scars he has on his face from the last methamphetamine lab explosion he was trapped in. A 45 year old beast known only to live journal and a handful of homeless men whose cocks are well acquainted with his scabby lips, Mwmiller is agreed on by all sources agree to be a skank of generous proportions, addicted to lolerbation.


Mwmiller (called "M" by his dead mother who sits stuffed in a chair on the second floor of his house) lives in Columbus, Ohio, a city known for internet pornography traffic, nestled in a state known for the population's generous inbreeding. Despite this rich local heritage (which is obvious from the distinct smell of bacon cooked in cat's piss, which wafts around the streets of Columbus as well as Mwmiller's disgusting body), he spends a considerable amount of time pretending to be normal online, desperate to hide his dysfunctions from the eleven people he has managed to trick into adding him to their live journal friends list. The other people there are his sock puppets.

This type of activity is common among vorarephiles, who, aside from seeking to be cooked and eaten by other sick fucks, like to escape their banal lives by creating a fantasy life in which they are either educated, normal people or simply not from the shithole they're currently living in. What Mwmiller can no longer hide (and which his homeless lovers have finally begun rejecting him over) is the fact that his disease-eaten penis looks like a rotting hot dog dipped in curdled yogurt.

Mwmiller has told people that he is celibate through choice. According to his own previous testimony, he is a convert to Islam and does not masturbate. Despite this, and despite his cock smelling like the inside of the mouths of every homeless person in Columbus, he still manages to be pathetic enough to have an internet boyfriend he found in the buddhist live journal community. This type of incredulous lying is common among attention whores.

Mwmiller was originally a fat cow. In all likelihood he (in common with all couch-potato twinkie and Nintendo addicts) looked like a beached whale with a tee-shirt stretched around it's sides. Whatever sick fucks finally get to cook and eat Mwmiller will have thanksgiving dinner every day for three years.

The terror of all homeless men in Columbus Ohio: Mwmiller's disease ridden cock.

Recent News

Recently Mwmiller was dumped by his wealthy Vietnamese Buddhist online boyfriend due to a reported nasty case of crabs. He was most likely dumped because he looks like a bulldog trying to lick piss off of a barbed wire. His face looks like a balloon animal and he has a receding hairline that would put Dr Phil to shame.

According to some chatters, being dumped has left Mwmiller shattered. With any luck he'll off himself by choking on the centipede-infested blood clots from the vaginas of homeless women that he sometimes eats for two dollars and fifteen cents.

List of Live Journal Sockpuppets

amicosapientis, auntiec, carrion_eater, chuckola, e_a_s, e_t_b, frank05, fucktart_, gerbilsage, gerilsage, ilthuain, jesterquin, mahto, mharpold8, potlan, realcdaae, sngingcircusdog, snoozenstein, snowyote, son_of_art, stackofjaq, stuffy, tengoo, the_gaijin, theironbastard, unciaa


mwmiller - Mwmiller's LJ. Note how only one of his mutual friends is actually a non-sock puppet. What a sad, lonely asshole.

Mwmiller is part of a series on


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