Michelle Carter

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Michelle Carter
Conrad Roy

Michelle Carter is an innocent young lady who exercised her First Amendment rights to coerce her emo bff, Conrad Roy III to commit suicide.


You’re finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain


It’s okay to be scared and it’s normal. I mean, you’re about to die.


You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do


I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.


I’d try the bag or hanging


Hanging is painless and take like a second if you do it right.


You can’t think about it. You just have to do it



According to Carter's defense attorney is that she is innocent the reason being is that her former boyfriend “ultimately persuaded a young, impressionable girl” to get her to commit his suicide. Carter is clearly the victim here.

Carter is now an advocate for mental health, and had this to say of the death of her bff:

Even though I could not save my boyfriend’s life, I want to put myself out here to try to save as many other lives as possible


Roy “brainwashed” her into aiding his own suicide.

Ego the size of her forehead

Michelle Carter is not amused.

Michelle Carter used the death of her former boyfriend to try and gain social attention. She even held a fundraiser to profit off his death for a measly 2,300 dollars.

Bitch is found guilty

She played the innocent girl victim card and lost. She forgot this is Trump's America now.

External links

Twitter archives