Me too-er

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That little yellow dog is a Me Too-er. Fucking douche-bag.

A common phenomenon in a flame war, the Me too-er is that gutless fuck that will forever agree with the individual you are pwning or being pwnt by, with countless "Yeah!" and "You fucking n00b, listen to what xxxxx has to say!" posts. Normally, these yes-men are nothing more than a mere annoyance, but occasionally their mindless follow-and-flame tactics are true lulzworthy material, especially when they openly contradict themselves without realising. Weapon of choice: iawtc, ^, pointless lol posts.

Dealing with a Me too-er

If, by some freak chance, you happen to win your internet argument, the Me too-er will congratulate you on your superb victory. But remember:


So it is your duty to teh internets to expose that little worm for the gutless flame warrior he is. You will be crowned King of Teh Internets for doing so- and what D&D nerd could resist such power?