M. Night Shyamalan

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The Last Shitbender
He'll fuck your cinema up.

M. Night Shyamalan is an Indian director, screenwriter, actor and producer who is famous for creating horrible films, claiming they have deeper meaning when in reality is just an excuse to make them watch it again as punishment for not understanding his clearly Methuselaic storytelling. Much like Tommy Wiseau, nobody knew where he came from and also unlike Tommy, he didn't stop at one shitty movie. Starting in 1992 with "Praying with Anger" as the director, producer, writer, and an actor in said movie, which he would also do in six more of his movies, he has gotten a rather bad habit of putting in shitty "twists" in his movies that every short-bus student could see a lightyear away. Also, he's about as slow as a turtle on a codeine trip when it comes to even making his opuses. Since 1992, he has only made 12 movies. Lucky number 13, The Visit, will be coming this year however.

Every actor under his watch had to make sure their acting skills had to be dumbed down to school-play levels of bad to make Shyamalamadingdong's acting look good in comparison whenever he's on screen, and many actors like Mark Wahlberg have shown their distaste and hate for the Indian's lack of direction. On your right, you'll see that Newsweek calls him the next Spielberg, which one, is stone cold wrong in general, and two, the habit that his recently bad movies attract Stinkers and Golden Raspberries like flies to shit speaks otherwise.


2006: The Lady in the Water

Worst Director-Golden Raspberry Award

Worst Supporting Actor-Golden Raspberry Award

Least Scary Horror Movie-Stinkers Bad Movie Award

Worst Picture-Stinkers Bad Movie Award

Worst Screenplay-Stinkers Bad Movie Award

2009: The Happening

Worst Film-Fangoria Chainsaw Award

2010: The Last Airbender

Worst Director-Golden Raspberry Award

Worst Picture-Golden Raspberry Award

Worst Screenplay-Golden Raspberry Award

Worst Eye-Gouging Mis-Use of 3D-Golden Raspberry Award


It was a really bad movie... Fuck it. It is what it is. Fucking trees, man. The plants. Fuck it. You can’t blame me for not wanting to try to play a science teacher. At least I wasn’t playing a cop or a crook.


Mark Wahlberg regretting working with Shamalamadimgdong.


The Happening - Hilariocity Review
Lady in the Water (2006) - Trailer

See Also

External links

M. Night Shyamalan is part of a series on


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