Luka Magnotta/press release

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Moar info: Luka Magnotta.

Original Post

We have been seeing a lot about Luka Magnotta in the news recently for “allegedly” chopping some guy up, sending his hand and foot to the Canadian Conservative and Liberal parties, respectively, via postal mail. The dude’s torso then was found in a suitcase outside Luka’s apartment in brand new luggage, though some small pieces were found inside the apartment (along with a horrific smell).

That is only the tip of the iceberg, Luka Magnotta AKA Eric Clinton Newman is very well known to us at Encyclopedia Dramatica. We have had him exposed and hiding for a long time now.

Luka Magnotta has been killing kittens and posting the process online for years. There are at least 3 separate occasions where he has killed kittens and uploaded the results to the Internet. From feeding them to a python, to putting them into a plastic bag and sucking out the air with a vacuum, to taping them to a broomstick and drowning them in a bathtub. On at least one occasion he used the dead cats as a masturbatory aid afterwards.

Anyone could have seen that he would graduate to murder, but this particular murder would make even Jeffrey Dahmer cringe. Magnotta can be seen stabbing, slicing, decapitating, eating and raping a young man, most all of these things happening after he is already dead. Thanks to the relentless efforts of our dedicated staff and volunteer editors, at Encyclopedia Dramatica you will find comprehensive reference material that gives you a whole new perspective regarding Luka Rocco Magnotta and this case.