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If you've ever looked at a fursuiter and wondered, "Who the hell was actually sad enough to make that shit?", an answer has been found. Meet LatinVixen, a genderless wonder that spends its entire life making fursuits for filthy fascist furry fucks. As a result, it is worshiped by furry fetish people everywhere. Spending every waking moment by the sewing machine, its only purpose in life is to reap gratification from bestiality enthusiasts everywhere, possibly due to being neglected by its parents. It also claims to 'love' animals, implying that he/she/it enjoys molesting a fox from time to time with its partner in crime, Sophie Cabra. Both of them are also hardcore ravers as shown in their videos. (Warning! Videos may induce seizures due to flashing lights and high levels of retardation. Wear goggles to avoid blindness.)

On June 9th, Vixen had one of its fursuits featured on DA [1], eliciting many furry bashing comments from the DA community, who called furries morally appalling and vile scum despite DA being at least 50% furry itself. Vixen, pretending that he/she/it is no such thing, hid all the comments like a pussy. He/she/it will claim that there's no association between it and the 'bad' furries, i.e. the ones that yiff each other in the butt at hotels -- or every single furry that buys her fursuits. Not only is he/she/it a crusader of the furry cause, but a liar.

It has been noted that LatinVixen has quite a few mental stability issues. For example, he/she/it is schizophrenic, typically freaking out at salesmen and threatening to stab them in the eye and piss in their mouth. LatinVixen claims that this was in self-defense, because the salesman 'looked shady', apparently due to him trying to sell it a water filter. How evil. LatinVixen has also admitted that he/she/it wishes it could be a child again, mainly so it can prey on other unsuspecting childrens. When no prey is around, it pleasures herself with its aibos which have all been fitted with vibrating dildos.


As an esteemed member of the Furluminati, LatinVixen enjoys a sterling reputation in the furry community despite a litany of shady business practices. Most of its costume designs have been stolen or reverse-engineered from other lesser known furry costume designers, but no one cares. LatinVixen also encourages bid wars whenever it puts one of its fursuits up for auction, by telling her various friends and sycophants that it REALLY REALLY thinks this particular hermaphrofoxtaurhead would be perfect for them and it REALLY REALLY wants them to have it. Then when said sycophants wonder why 20 people are suddenly bidding on the auction, pushing the price up, he/she/it responds with a sincere and heart-felt DUHHH I DUNNO it is a mystery. But furries always forgive her because they still need someone to sew their cumrags after a hardcore day of raeping wolves.

Due to its popularity amongst the fursuiters, LatinVixen's suits are in high demand and it's become easier and quicker to get Yankees season tickets than to get one of her/his/its special love suits. Cheaper too.

LatinVixen Business Model:

1) Produce low quality fursuits that fall apart


3) ????


LatinVixen's Docs

Because LatinVixen is a complete retard, he/she/it has left their docs all about the internets. If you feel the need to harass it for greatly contributing to the cause of furry fucks everywhere, here's a dozen ways that you can:

*IRL Name: Valentina Caicedo 
*AIM: latinvixenmc
*Yahoo: latinvixen2002
*E-mail: [email protected]
*Pokemon D/P Friend Code: 5455 6261 6074


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