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Kuroaky = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

This person is a professional E-Whore and will milk you for everything you are worth. If you have more money than brains, go ahead, give them $500 for that one of a kind, poorly drawn Dōjinshi of Sailor Moon fucking her cat.
Combining "crow" and "flower"/"blossom", the slight oxymoron of those words together seems to fit me, a person who is often described as both gentle and mysterious, and as someone who is rarely seen depending on the season, haha.


—Karasuhana complimenting herself without any self-awareness

Karasuhana (formerly Kuroaky and Ti-pai) is a member of the Vocaloid / UTAU community who mainly creates covers, they are as well known for their translations for Vocaloid songs, however their translations are considered crude with poor grammar and awkwardness. This is because she is a honky Britfag who larps as an Azn.

They are someone who is regarded to have created a lot of drama, and has made some people outright go against them, these claims have gone back for quite a few years with them doing most of their drama 1v1 with multiple people in the community, and have repeatedly show signs of not growing and using their adherence to Buddhism as an excuse as to why people should believe they are a peaceful and calm person.


They have also repeatedly claimed to have left the community, but have continued to come back, reminiscent of another UTAU user "Stars" who also is a person of caution in the community. However, these claim of Kuroaky have extended to talking behind peoples' backs to claims of her gaining money illegally due to their translations, other common claims are them attacking members of the community when they disagree with their claims, or people showing dislike or not really enjoying their favorite Vocaloids/Ships.

People who defend them claim that they had stopped this behavior before the release of Hatsune Miku Chinese, but due to dates given by people who have dealt with them recently say otherwise, as they attacked somebody in a Discord server about the person not particularly liking the Vocaloid Gakupo, telling them that they were wrong about their opinion and verbally abused them until the person was too intimidated to speak against them. Kuroaky has also done this a few times with certain ships and other Vocaloids (ex; Hatsune Miku) still showing rude behavior and rejecting opinion as fact. However, they have publicly apologized about this, but still have continued to do this, which leaves many people to believe they are insincere about these apologies and leaves very little trust between them and the community.

Discord and You

Kuroaky was associated with a certain Discord server which was a server for Vocal synths. Their interactions with the members of this server was very opposed by the mods of the server, with them discussing their behavior quite a few times and them finally being kicked due to their disrespect toward staff, however. In the March of 2017(from witness memory) a member named Papa joined the server and started to flirtatiously talk with Kuroaky(then known as Ti-pai) and they soon started a romantic relationship where they actively demonstrated in the general chat. They constantly disturbed regular conversation, with them both being outright disrespectful or rude when a mod or a member of the server asked for them to stop. They also constantly Roleplayed in the general chat disturbing most members and caused most people to complain.. After a few months of this going on, Papa was finally kicked for good, however, Kuroaky was kicked and added back a few times due to her relationship with some of the members of the staff in the server. In a private server made for staff and good friends of The servers' staff. They had an argument with a mod of the server over the originality of the Vocaloid software, despite the mod being passive Kuroaky still showed their active bullying and rudeness to people who considered them at least, a good friend. They were later kicked for good and has never had contact with the server since.

With that, Kuroaky also had an interaction with a developer for the Vocal synth Alter/Ego, where the developer was making their own voice and character for the software. Kuroaky was claiming that this official developer was probably just faking this statement, and that they were "stuck up" despite never even appearing that way in the conversation. This same developer left the Discord server due to Kuroaky and when they did, Kuroaky and another member heavily talked badly about the developer for seemingly no reason. Kuroaky also had arguements with this person about opinions on the Vocaloid Gakupo


Knows little about Japanese words and grammar. Phrase cutting. Grave misreading of words, particles, omitted subjects and objects, attributive form, transitive/intransitive verbs and positive/negative phrases.


—An actual Jap

Kuroaky started to do translations for Vocaloid songs from a variety of producers, and that is where most of their fans came from, since their Vocal synth covers seem have terrible vocal tuning and audio mixing. However, their translations have received much backlash due to most if not all of them have significant errors in grammar or the correct words, Kuroaky is an acclaimed fluent Japanese speaker with apparently been studying it for quite a few years. Also, they are featured on not recommended translators on the Vocaloid Wikia, and there have been claims of them using Youtube monetization to get money for their translations, which is illegal without permission of the original song maker. However, these claims apparently don't hold much water, so going by this claim isn't recommended for facts.

Inside joke gone wrong? Gone sexual!

On August 23rd of 2018 Kuroaky tweeted this one twitter

File:20180902 005126.png
"This is an inside joke"

They received a few replies trying to call out their seemingly airheaded tweet with logical responses of people tell them that they shouldn't say something like to somebody since it's something that could discourage somebody to not want to learn the Japanese language anymore. After realizing that people have given them backlash, Kuroaky decided to reply to even reply with "this was an inside joke" without giving any further context. A twitter user named Vocazone replied trying to get more of an answer to the "Inside joke" with them saying "People who use Google translate for English to Japanese look ridiculous when they do it and post it(Not direct quote due to Kuroaky having deleted their twitter as of 9/2/2018)" which confused most since the original tweet didn't allude to this, and in fact referred to the Vocal synth program UTAU and people who claim they know Japanese since they learned some of the alphabet due to the program, which is learning the language. Due to this presumably, Kuroaky has deleted their twitter to not recieve backlash further on the post.

Desuka-p the heroine of awfulness!


On August 30th of 2018 Kuroaky made a rant about a user named Desuka-p who made a song on Soundcloud about the abuse he went through with his mother, and then Desuka went into a server telling people that his mother wanted to sue(due to the song presumably) and showed a picture of his mothers message in Discord direct messages, and Desuka's mothers account joined that server, and was threatening Kuroaky and their friends/other people in the server, and then Desuka had a mental breakdown in the chat, however, from Kuroaky's story, Desuka sent a message that he was sending from the mother account from his main account, apparently Desuka apologized and everyone forgave him. Desuka was inactive for a few days, and somebody told Kuroaky that Desuka said he wanted to do terrible things to the Western Vocaloid producer GHOST and then Desuka became active one more telling a user Idoa(?) that they were "dead to him" and then Desuka told the people in the server that he wanted to "emotionally destroy GHOST and push them to suicide" but then they immediately follow up with "or at least that was hinted" so the vagueness of that claim is still up for interpretation.

Kuroaky has noticed Desuka and Idoa have very irregular message pattern, claiming they never message at the same time. According to Kuroaky, they confronted Desuka and ask for him and Idoa to join the voice chat together. But, Kuroaky assumed one of them would claim they have no mic, which according to the rant Idoa did. Apparently claiming Desuka defended Idoa despite claiming they were dead to him. Kuroaky also claims Desuka told them "Nobody loves them" and told their friends to "slit their wrists". If this situation is as Kuroaky accused, the rant was possibly needed, as this person seems extremely toxic and shows traces of mentally abusive behavior. In the description of this track, Kuroaky says to not attack and witchhunt this person, which is common on rants like this.

Understandably, Desuka-p creates an apology track, claiming everything that Kuroaky said was completely true. Where his voice is emotionally startled with anxious traces. Desuka tries to say that he regrets everything he did, and that he truly wants this post gone, and feels horrible about himself. Then he continuously apologizes to everyone that he apparently hurt. Giving a seemingly honest apology. However his voice seemed overdramatic with his voice as if the apology's he was giving were extremely insincere and not very believable.

Next an user named Sindere created a rant claiming that Desuka's rant was absolutely abhorrent claiming it all was fake and he was playing victim, however they say they were the one they were told to cut themselves. So, this could mean that they are heavily biased in this rant. But, they say that they hope Desuka can receive help.


In the comments of this rant, another user(Who will go unnamed) calls out Kuroaky for publicly attacking someone so young(15 years old) and that their actions were too severe to someone else who didn't make this public. However, these comments are extremely heavy with language.

Kuroaky also made a response to Desuka's response track, claiming they received mostly positive feedback about the post, with other people claiming their interactions with Desuka were presumably similar. Then, Kuroaky talks about a post that was telling them to stop bullying Desuka, which Kuroaky says "If I'm a bully for defending my friend, then you're a bully for defending Desuka. Then, they play the rant this person has made(Listen to the rant to get details on the unmentioned things Kuroaky has said). At one point the rant Kuroaky is listening to says that "You think being emotionally damaging is worse than being racist" where Kuroaky follows up by reading the definition of emotional/mental damage. However, then Kuroaky tries to defend themselves by claiming Emotional trauma is worse than saying a slur, where they repeatedly stutter as if they were trying to hide something. Kuroaky also tries to claim everyone in this situation are "White kids". This rant next says that Desuka has apologized and has even cried in voice calls due to how bad he feels, and then Kuroaky says "There's no reason to cry in voice calls, you're just looking for sympathy". Then Kuroaky says that when Desuka asked them to stop, they send a "K-POP reaction image" which can be seen as extremely rude and disrespectful. Kuroaky also says this person shouldn't be ranting about Desuka since they haven't known him for long, but Kuroaky says they themselves haven't known Desuka for that long and don't know him well generally. Then concluding that with "You can't comment, is that hard to understand?" so it's a mixed situation. Then Kuroaky says that Desuka's apology was poor with showing traces of ingenuine factors such as showing regret and emotional factors like sniffling and whimpering. Which seems to be his way of trying to show that he was sorry. Then Kuroaky says that Desuka shouldn't have made his rant and should have explained why he did the things he did, even though previously he has according to Kuroaky. Then Kuroaky says that age shouldn't be a factor for criticism and paying the price is the only way. However, given the circumstances, Kuroaky seems to still be saying extremely negative things, which wasn't the best way to approach this situation still.

However, Desuka was doing terrible things behind the scenes, without this information being active you might think Desuka shouldn't have deserved all this backlash, but according to somebody that was there in the situation Desuka had tried to brag he was friends with the producer GHOST a couple of times, seemingly to get attention from the people, who didn't give it to him. Somebody also in that server joined GHOSTs' producer server who was apparently not on good terms with GHOST but, they were only there to get producing tips. Desuka messaged GHOST telling them that, that person was only there to start trouble, causing that person to get kicked from the server unfairly. He then sent videos of him swallowing pills to two members of this chat, and as well as one that showed him vomiting them out to threaten suicide to people, which connects to Kuroakys' saying of Desuka threatening people. Desuka also talked about somebody's triggers and the people in the server seemed to ignore him. So, therefore Kuroaky had seemingly every right to make the rants they did, if all of this is true, which is most likely is since multiple people have claims that Desuka was incredibly toxic.

However, despite Kuroaky telling people to not bully this person, their friends have created tracks making fun of Desuka for seemingly no apparent reason, and then with talking with Desuka, with him claiming he can't live with himself due to this post, Kuroaky claims he is going back to old threats, which according to the previous paragraph is seems as if he was, while the people of their server actively name call and blatantly bully Desuka with one of them claiming "I know people who can ruin this kids life".

The End

On September 1st 2018 Kuroaky posted on their Youtube channel claiming they were leaving for good. However, if they will own up to this claim is currently unknown. Yeah, of course she didn't.

Some shitty art of her UTAU OCs

See also

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