Hal Turner 3807 shownotes

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Please note: This is a VERY condensed version. I have left out unimportant things, and simply broke it down into the main thoughts and topics discussed. All sections are started with BOLD text.

If you'd like to download the show, it is freely available here.

This Hal Turner show started off normally, with normal intro theme and speech, if you can ever call him normal.

Noted changed number, 201-484-0060

  • Having alot of fun getting phone calls from mainstream media
  • Talking about website
  • Protest
  • Talks about handling pranks terribly
  • "Botched up reaction"
  • It was like "epic"
  • Internet radio is serious
  • College kids prank called
  • Responded liek an asshole
  • Caused more stuff to happen
  • Reacting okay and badly
  • Talks about protest
  • Would look ridiculous in Habbo attire, old, fat, bad shape
  • Wore the fake afro, have more hair
  • Protests previously
  • Threats of bodily harm
  • Get his goat
  • Psychos
  • "Throw barracades and kerosene into house"
  • "One stray bullet to kill son"
  • Imagine your parents
  • Thinking to self, last protest the North Bergen pd sealed PatPlank RD 1/2mi
  • Talked to terrorism liasion ofc - have handeled all protests the same, just relax
  • What could I do to help headlines - reporter called; free media attention; front page newspaper
  • All publicity is good publicity
  • More hits, more listeners
  • protest = newsworthy
  • Hal has a big suprise, won't tell.. Manical laugh, it's priceless. So cool. It's gonna make the front page. I guarantee it. Hal *Thinks protesters aren't going to like it.
  • Not fond of Hitler, but respects Neo-Nazis as citizens
  • Friday is dumb for protest, work + school + traffic = no raid
  • Saturday is better for protest
  • Insults OPP & EoH; piling on protest, only wanting publicity

-- break for commercial--

-- return with music --

-- cue turner --

  • Hal plugs show
  • Talks about FM Radio transmitter (boring)
  • Talks about running for running House of Reps 2000
  • Parade, nigro, looked like a nerd, photo, Turner Diaries
  • Plugs Turner Diaries, read in one day, that good
  • Tim McVaugeh Federal bldg, good book, people blow up government = good thing
  • kids dying = tragic, baby + firemen = broken up
  • Politicans = lying, cheating scumbags
  • Orders = lots of people dying
  • Straighten out country by grabbing politicans by tune-up (Physical alteration to improve performance)
  • Democrats, republicans, calls GOP Gay Old Perverts.
  • Mark Foley (Bone them in the butt)
  • Gay stepbrother, HIV Positive, T Cell count low, classified as having AIDS
  • People are born gay (First intelligent thing he says)
  • No sense criticizing gay people, no control
  • Politicians would do well to be tuned up
  • Put hal's face on Turner diaries
  • Ultimate tune-up
  • Darrel Lamont Jenkins - OPP did it
  • Loser following Hal since March 17th, 2000
  • Bonehead
  • Pathetic, entire life is focused on Hal
  • Talks to chans
  • Finds all sorts of things wrong with Hal
  • Daryl in drag as catholic nun
  • Collects photos of naked nazi skinheads <3 (Editors note: Should probably talk to this guy moar..)
  • Call him Re-Run
  • Faaaat Albert
  • Old drunk, Floyd Cochran
  • Beard, bum, wino
  • Website, focused on Hal.
  • Figured it out: Bizarre sexual obsession with Hal
  • Men are supposed to speak what's on their mind
  • OPP and EoH - Cuckolded
  • No balls
  • Attack hal for fun and epeen
  • Perpetual jewish winers complain about Hal
  • Rabbi Suckadick
  • National Council of La Raaaaaaaza [IMMA CHARGIN LA RAAAAAZA]
  • LA RAZA - The Race in Spanish
  • National council of white people - racist

--- TEH EMAIL ---

  • From: Joseph Vincent, didn't believe
  • Told him he was full of shit
  • Channers know him as Victor Kullian (Lol wut)

-- Email begin --

  • Reads email, dated 3/5/07
  • Hello scumbag (greeting)

Hal siiighs and awes

  • Will be at protest
  • Different person now (Lol wut)
  • Won't be able to hurt him or anon
  • Publish, make day
  • Harmless as you come
  • Calling all your friends
  • You can't hurt us
  • Might not be anonymous but not one to fuck with
  • You can call me Shiago

-- Pause for break --

-- Enter Music --

-- Cue Hal --

  • Had to remind self of free speech motto
  • Must respect others free speech as well
  • Sticks up ass, worst way
  • Hard to be objective and noble
  • Approving comments, not reading, listener comments
  • Channers wanted to listen, fight to stop DDoSing

-- Resume email--

  • Regardless of fact, pathetic
  • Hal for begs every penny, like a dog for food
  • Bring your weapons, I'll be there
  • Martyr for what is right (LOL WUT?!)
  • World without racism, bastardized christians
  • Every asset on every issue against you
  • White nationalists using god as a shield made him athiest
  • So hal, does the rush of fear drive you raw through your veins?
  • No physical, want peace, but will humiliate all white christians
  • Pride is one of 7 deadly sins, find out why

-- Reply from Hal --

  • You have no clue whatsoever what I'm planning
  • We'll see who has the last laugh

-- Reply from Shiago --

  • Really, you have no idea who is coming
  • La raza
  • US HCC Hispanic Chamber of commerce
  • Reconsider plans
  • Plan won't go anywhere
  • Call your redneck friends, neonazi
  • 20 people, each armed with semi-autos
  • Left numerous calls/emails with News
  • Hannity and local news will be protection

-- Reply 2 from Hal --

  • I doubt the council of la raza knows
  • FULL of shit

-- Reply 2 from Shiago --

  • Defiant until the end Hal
  • Called NY office, talked to DC office
  • Talked to Eleanor Palacose
  • Interested, support and endorse, but only with 500+ protesters, plus news media
  • Would hardly focus on a scumbucket like you, but protest is good media
  • Burying yourself Hal
  • White flags
  • History full of lies and deciet
  • Scared shitless
  • Soon peaceful protest, make america better place

  • Hal doesn't habeeb it
  • No difference will it make
  • No protest will change anything about him

-- Hypothetical protest --

  • Files for permit, town grants.
  • Real threats, permit in the air
  • Other channers hurting channers
  • Town specifies location and time
  • Peaceably assemble
  • Gov't has authority to limit time/place/manner
  • Security zone
  • No protesters in condos
  • Neighbors are great with Hal
  • Signs, media, tell neighbors what they already know
  • Achieve? -- LULZ!
  • Will it make a difference?
  • People will forget about it shortly
  • Hal will still be around
  • Travel money wasted
  • Hal serious laughter
  • Protest a guy who can't give a shit less
  • Won't make a difference

-- Cue break --

-- Cue intro --

-- Cue Hal --

  • Walked through protest
  • 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000 protesters
  • Go home, merry way, backflips to promise peaceful
  • Whole sleu of cops
  • North Bergen PD 60 units, NJ STATE, Hudson Cty, Jersey City, Union City, West NY, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, NJ Office of Counter-Terrorism SWAT from last protest
  • Hal wouldn't dare do anything illegal
  • Hahah, wrong. ^
  • Going to do something, not certain if illegal, if it is then will be arrested
  • No way it can be stopped
  • Not small, really big
  • Humilation will be EPIC!
  • Opening phones.
  • Will accept all calls, IF calls are civil. Will all-ow callers to do anything but not sickening
  • Plugs Paul Gheller
  • Bel-Air, girl
  • Clueless, some bullshit about the wizard of oz, 9000 drops of water
  • Show has no script, it's not a movie, 2 hours is hard to do without fun
  • Hal's 44, 45 in the month
  • Mental capaticy stretched
  • "You don't always catch the "lawlz""
  • Doing it for the "lawlz"
  • Plugs number
  • Opens lines
  • Talks about Scouter Libby
  • Hearing rumors about Cheney stepping down
  • Blame it on health ^
  • Artie Wheeler having bypass
  • Hal has a job, lol
  • Talks about Obama
  • DJ got in trouble; "Clean darkie" comment about Obama

-- Cue break, mentions /b/ and /i/ --

-- Cue music --

-- Cue Hal --

(Call section: Double-indent is Hal unless otherwise noted)

-- First caller: Terry, Cleveland OH --

  • How do you feel about million man march
    • Watched it on TV, cool idea
    • Lack of family in black community
    • Good idea for black men to take responisbility
    • Worthy goal, don't know about achievements
  • -Inaudiable-
    • Don't recall what accomplishment
    • Promise Keepers, big part
    • Many black children, grow up in family w/o father
    • Didn't like donations
  • Also cocks
    • If that makes you happy, go suck on one. Lulz.

-- Caller Two: Eric, Saratoga NY --

  • Heard show before Hal
  • Girl Bel-Air'd, then played along
  • Out there, hal is more reasonable
  • Wanted to know, after protest to go out to Hell Resturant
    • Are you asking me out?
    • Do you wanna see me in hell
  • Also DESU DESU DESU spam
    • Hal is glad, he wants to know what DESU means, puts caller on hold, asks, releases caller
  • Desu spam continues
    • Hal drops call

-- Caller Three: Jason, TX --

  • Best show evar
  • Nice that it's being dealt with nicely, not childishly
    • Hal admits he was an asshat
  • Jason tells Hal about Desu
    • Dressed up as a raider, would be epicly funny, nobody would know what to do
    • Channers are on the same wave as hal
    • Hal is an asshole, no choice but to show Hal he was an asshole
  • Mentions Tom Green
    • General anarchay - Serious sick stuff said to Hal; gangrape wife, killing child
    • Arrogance and -inaudiable-
    • Crank calls
    • Leave mom alone
    • Threat, overt sick stuff
    • Went off the deep end
  • Mentions beat up aussie kid
  • How can Hal worship jew son (Jesus) as a white nationalist
    • Hal talks about religion, tl;dr
  • You're a faggot, go fuck yourself

-- Caller Four: Adam Reimer, CAN --

  • Talks about weather (mutual)
  • Milkbags
  • Thanks for $3,000,000 advertising
    • No advertising, media coverage will be worth millions
      • Call Waiting blip (Hal's end)
  • Show is better today, no screening
  • Over 9000, see you at protest

-- Caller Five: Kirtaner --

  • Hal seems distressed
    • Asks about domain forwarding
  • Kirt admits he has no idea, crazy stunt, harmless prank
  • Had fun over the weeks (mutual)
  • Thanks Hal for the lulz and things to do
    • Upside is everyone can laugh at harmless prank
    • Annoyance factor was great for Channers
    • Protest will help put it to rest
  • Kirtaner hopes he will make it to protest, working with passport
    • Hal reclaimed domains
    • Asks about ID theft for domains
  • Kirt again says crazy stunt
    • Hal asks about goods and services, will it be billed
  • No
    • Asks about Ian
    • Somebody sent Hal with Ian in women's underwear
    • Perfect for each other (Kirt and Ian)

-- Caller Six: The Shining --

  • Paul's show question
  • Mom's house fire video
  • As a joke
    • Poor taste
    • Mom is 63 dad in bad health
    • Morning of the fire, damage
    • Nobody knew of a gas can left by dad used for snow blower
    • Wasn't cause, but Hal never talked about it
    • No evidence of an accelerant
    • No sign of foul play
    • Be careful of the jokes
  • Desu flood

-- Caller Seven: Yankee Jim, Cat infested Jewskill mountains --

  • Hal's good
  • Yankee Jim tells a joke, badly
  • Show was interesting before
  • Girl was intelligent, paul caught the bel-air and played it off
    • Paul didn't know bel-air
  • Talks about pool (mutual)
  • Nobody knows what Pool's Closed means (mutual)
    • Hal thinks Pool's Closed = you're out of business
  • YJ thinks nigger got in pool and pissed it
    • Hal tells a story, tl;dr
    • ^Dad doesn't like niggers in Hal's pool
    • Hal's mother was more sane
    • Judge by charecter
  • Stereotypes are mostly true (mutual)
    • Hal treats people decently on initial contact
    • Tech support, lol
    • Tech was jamacian, 45-55 y/o
    • Decent guy

-- Quick break, continues call below --

  • Asks about archive - yes
  • Channers arguing amongst selves
    • Hal takes blame about being an asshole
    • Hal let the few influence the outcome of everything, stupid, apologises
    • Kept responding badly
    • hit in head with 2x4 electronic, sunk in
  • Mighty white
  • People appreciate honesty and boldness
    • Segue - topic change
  • Islander negros badmouth american nigras
  • YJ is always right
  • Hal used to run a commerical, sharks
    • Can't find it
  • Pool of sharks, 1 or 2 won't bite
  • Not gonna put kid in water, pool's closed
  • Interesting callers
  • Talks about snow
  • Called mom with help with snow
  • Went over, parents want it done their way
  • Yelled at Yakee Jim about snow
  • Bel-Air'd Hal.

-- Caller Eight: Grandmother Elisabeth & Artie --

  • Talks about Artie briefly
  • Artie says he's doing alright, talks about surgery, quad bypass, new heart valve
  • Talks about surgery further
      • Call waiting, line four

-- Caller Nine: Shiago --

  • Asshole.
  • Richard mongler, tech support, donating
  • Namefag, lying piece of shit
  • In lolsuit
  • Shout-outs.. tl;dr
  • (Shiago is clearly nervous)
  • What is the suprise?
    • Hal won't tell.
    • Hal talks about his weight
  • Asks about suprise
    • Will hint later
  • Big black guy with AIDS and fuck us in the asshole?
  • tl;dr (mutual)
    • Asking about anonymous - Pool's closed
  • Tells the habbo story, tl;dr (Plus he mispronounced, it's hah-bow, not haebow)
  • Guy Fawkes mask
  • Desu spam, takes a breath,
    • Hal talks about that

-- Caller Ten: John --

  • Asks what hal's wearing
    • Jeans and sweatshirt
  • Asks jeansize
    • Are you coming on to me?
  • Might be
    • Thanks but I'm not interested, but it's flattering.
  • Really like you hal, sexually, emotionally, constantly think about you -
    • Does that involve fapping?
  • Alot, every day
    • To me?
  • Yeah, only to you
    • This is getting twisted
  • Shoutout to LazyTown
  • Gb2/bed/ Hal (mutual)
    • sup hal

-- Caller Eleven: Soundboard DBZ --

  • I've been keeping tabs on the man lately.
    • And?
  • And?
    • And what about it?
  • It doesn't make a bit of difference guys, the balls are inert.
    • Well thank you very much, is there anything else?
  • That's right.
  • I think it's in my other pants pocket.
    • Well thank you for your pre-recorded call.
  • Yes.

-- Caller Twelve: Shank --

  • Lurk the fuck moar
  • Murk the fuck loar
  • Failing the fuck hard
  • Get off the internet.
    • He's angry!
    • Angsty callers!

-- Caller Thirteen: tl;dr dude (Probably Fred Phelps) --

TL;DR!!!! A boring caller, that talked about religion, Evolution and tl;dr shit.

-- Caller Fourteen: Fake moot --

  • Sorry about the raids, had nothing to do with it
    • Hal is thinking about calling off the lolsuit
    • Jerk
    • Big expenses
    • Nothing to achieve
    • No desire to do it
  • That would be lovely
  • Asks about Jamie Vasquez
    • In May, rallies for immigrant amnesty
    • Hal hired banner, "NO AMESTY, BEANERS GO HOME"
  • Moot laughs
  • Mootxico
    • Jamie harassed wife/son in garage, verbal abuse
    • "He left in an ambulance"
  • Moot talks about killing someone w/ 8 gauge, tripple barrel
  • Would you like to combine 4chan and Turner?
    • 4churner?
  • Most of channers are joking around
  • Hal is a /b/tard, lurked moar (mutual)
  • Alot of swearing
  • (Synergy
  • Moot likes that word (Toyota mirite?)
  • Habbo attire (Mutual)
  • Anon has never seen enemy be kind to throw off raid
    • Too many people, too much talent
    • Channers are good w/ computers
    • No happy medium
  • Jerry Springer of the airwaves
  • Liberal pussy, responsibility of freedom of speech
    • Hal doesn't mean racist terms against entire races, just specific people
  • Asks about white crime
    • "Savage white trash"
  • Racism is funny, but in serious context it's legit hatred
    • Call back next week

(Note: It wasn't moot. Moot has denied it in an email.)

-- Show closing --

-- Cut to .977 - The 80's Channel --

======== END ============