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Jump to navigation Jump to search is yet another testament to the versatility of the iPhone, upon which artistically minded men like to post tasteful photographs of themselves taken with the awesome camera that came with their phone. Having the iPhone in shot not only serves to let others know that you have an iPhone, but also as a handy modern point of reference for penis size. When perusing the site, not only do you have the joy of viewing the pictures, but thanks to the comment function you can also see the subtly sexualised responses and occasional constructive criticism.

Those who Frequent the Site

The original Guy With iPhone

Why guys with iPhones, you ask? Why the hell not guys with iPhones?! When you're desperate to provide a new quasi-pornographic gay niche, then they're as good as any other retarded prop for filling out that grainy picture of your less than impressive manhood. The mission statement is clear, and is pretty much the only non-user-generated text contained in the site: The philosophy of GWiP is powered by a love for hot men who appreciate the finer gadgets in life.

The Guise

The website has become a comfortable home for many an inexplicably hairless Guido who likes to see pictures of himself and his little toys, not to mention the not-bald-just-shaven-headed internet lotharios who frequent the site because they are simply too much man for a real life, physically existent partner, and their assholes are definitely not acne ridden cesspools which no other man or woman would ever dare to touch.

Hai guise do you leik my socks?

As you can see from the spectacle below, is a gathering place for those who possess a highly attuned appreciation of the male form and longstanding respect for the work that the good people of Apple put into each and every one of their products, to share their opinion with other like minded individuals. Although it would appear that the longstanding respect for the people who created the iPhone is more of an unspoken admiration, it is clear that this is absolutely the case, and the website is not simply a medium for hideously ugly fags to get their cock out for other hideously ugly fags who then comment suggestively on the cocks of the original hideously ugly fags.

The Gals

The fag hags who hunt for cock on the site are bitches from another part of town. They enjoy the website because of the mistaken belief that iPhones are only possessed by the wealthy, although admittedly, relative to the women who believe this, it is somewhat true. These people refer to themselves as "sophisticated chatterboxes" and often state that they never judge other people, which begs the obvious question: Why the fuck would you post pictures of your cock to a comment based website if you didn't want people to judge them?

How to troll guyswithiphones

Considering the community aspect of is limited to a simple comment function, trolling them is limited to flooding with negative comments. Unless, that is, you have a penchant for technology, an inexplicable grudge, and some time on your hands:

  1. Download an image from
  2. Extract the EXIF data (linuxfags can run the following: sudo apt-get install exif then exif /home/path/to/downloaded/pic.jpg do this.
  3. Look in the EXIF for the coordinates of where the photo was taken, which the iPhone so kindly provides for us.
  4. Put it in google in the format 51°30′29″N 0°7′29″W, changing N/W to S/E where appropriate. Hopefully it will be his workplace and he will be a director.
  5. Successful troll is successful

An example of said trolling.


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