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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

Grellfan98 is a Creepypasta fanboy, Communist, weeaboo, and deviantART user with assburgers and a toilet fetish. He is notable for refusing to accept the fact that Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, and other Creepypasta villains are fictional characters and he will even go out of his way to "prove" their existence. Not only does he believe in Creepypasta characters, but he believes in characters from Creepypasta fanfiction as well (such as Jane the Killer and Nina the Killer).

Typical Grellfan98 Behaviour. After this encounter he wrote one of his little sob journals about how he was "bullied".

He is perhaps even more notable for blindly attacking people who disagree with him, which causes them to visit his profile and criticize him. After he is criticized, he usually writes a journal about how he was "bullied" by the other deviantART users. You'd think he doesn't do this very often, but actually he does this about once every 5 days and never seems to realize his mistake. He claims the users who criticize him are simply prejudice against him because he is "different".

Grellfan98 and Sexuality

Grellfan98 is openly bisexual, he occasionally references his attraction to male characters, such as Jeff the Killer and Ben Drowned, but seems to prefer females. He is also a toilet fetishist. He tries his very best to draw but doesn't like his art, so he usually commissions other uses on deviantART to do his bidding, which often involves drawing fanart of anime characters sitting on toilets.

Grellfan98's Friends

Like most creepy perverts on deviantART, Grellfan98 has accumulated dozens of followers, all of which either share his retarded fetish or at least defend it. Grellfan98's army of followers can be seen in the comments on all of his "BAWWW I'M BEING BULLIED" journals, where they join forces to wish death upon the people who "bullied" him, even though he is the one who starts those arguments about 95% of the time.

One of Grellfan98's comrades, called "wwwarea", wrote a long-ass journal entry white-knighting for Grellfan98 and the rest of the fetish community. The journal entry uses the same "different opinions = bullying" logic you would expect it to use.

To help with your education regarding Grellfan98, wwwarea's white-knighting journal is presented here below in it's glorious entirety.

The entirety of wwwarea's white-knighting journal.

Grellfan98's Girlfriend

Horrifyingly enough, Grellfan98 not only has a girlfriend, but she is also on deviantART, watches his account, and knows about his fetishes. Her account is called Killerant1998, and her given name is "Tears" (although "Tears" would probably be a better name for Grellfan98 himself). Unlike Grellfan98, she is very seldom ever on deviantART and has never posted art or a journal entry.

Grellfan98 on Youtube

Grellfan98 has had a Youtube account for some time, which he keeps changing the name of. He is not as active there as he is on deviantART, and he mainly subscribes to channels that lost their popularity years ago (dcigs, RaySipeLadyGaga, etc).

Just like on deviantART, Grellfan98 tries to be an SJW on Youtube, going around reporting people and yelling "You R A Bully" every 5 seconds. When he does this shit on Youtube, he not-surprisingly ends up having his ass whipped by the less-than-friendly community that lurks within Youtube's comment sections. One incident involves Grellfan98 going apeshit on a guy because he was "hating on" a person with a mental condition (Chris Chan, no less), only to be told off by the other person.

One thing that is revealed in his Youtube conversations is that Grellfan98, like SammyClassicSonicFan, does not know what a troll actually is; this can be inferred from the incident when Grellfan98 attacked a user called "Invaderjal123".

Grellfan98 tries to defend Chris-Chan on Youtube.
Grellfan98 trying to argue that trolling is a form of bullying.

Grellfan98 discovers his ED page

On June 9, 2015, Grellfan98 discovered this page. How do we know about this? He posted a depressed journal entry about it, of course. The journal entry is called "Why society why" and in it he briefly discusses how society is looking down on him "because of his fetish". What is more interesting than the journal itself is the comment section, where Grellfan98 and his aforementioned friend wwwarea have a conversation about society and the ED page, as you could expect, they throw around the words "bully", "bullies", and "bullying" a lot, And even after reading this page, They still think that he is only being targeted for his fetish. With that said, it is obvious that they learned nothing from this article whatsoever.

Grellfan98 goes down the shitter

Not contempt with getting owned by nearly everyone he came in contact with, he has deactivated his dA account. But not to worry, he has made a brand new account. However, the faggotry hasn't changed. In fact, along with his toilet fetish, it has been revealed that he might be into nazism.


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