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Why we should give any fucks

"I really look like Salma Hayek."

GothNebula or Samantha, is an autistic 23 year old Sonic fan who writes fanfictions involving sawnikku ad emi. Sometimes other couples she likes, just to get some extra fans. She also has a FC, by the name of Nebula the Hedgehog. If you think the name is funny, go look at the bio and get a look on how nice she is.

If you actually read the entire thing and have gotten a liking to her, you are a brave soldier.

White Knights

Like all good sues, one must have at least a couple of white knights. Like Akai Dalia, GothNebula is a butthurt baby, who ignores criticism, or advice that is given to her. Either on, or DevianTART. Sometimes, when she gets realllly butthurt, she posts a journal (which is rare), bawwwing for attention from her faggot fans who she often ignores.

How to get her attention

  • 1. Have amazing art Samantha loves it when good artists draw her shit-sue, or her shit OOC couple, Shadula.
  • 2. Be a great writer Like reason above, write fuckfictions about her "OC" and Shadow the nigger hog.
  • 3. Give her a premium She won't be grateful, but will actually notice you for once.
  • 4. Expect a short comment, a boring "cute" or "thanks", if you do spend your fucking time making her a shitty gift.

Samantha discovers ED!

Eventually, one must discover all the good things in life. Goth discovered this article, and made a huge hissy fit about it. Her fanbrats came in to the rescue, to comfort their queen. Declaring war onto Encyclopedia Dramatica, and it's users! Here's her pity journal

Check her shitty sites out

See Also

GothNebula is part of a series on


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