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GoddessMillenia/Blargh PM

<Blargh> have you accepted christ as your lord and savior?
<GoddessMillenia> Go Fuck yourself
<GoddessMillenia> Stop forcing your religious BullShit on everyone and maybe I wouldn't have to bitch
<Blargh> but christ is the lord and the way
<Blargh> accept him into your heart and you shall receive salvation
<Blargh> he is the son of god and the redeemer of sins
<Blargh> christ loves you
<Blargh> won't you accept him?
<GoddessMillenia> Go away
<GoddessMillenia> My life belongs to me
<GoddessMillenia> Not some 'God'
<Blargh> but your soul should belong in heaven
<Blargh> i care deeply about the state of your soul
<Blargh> i don't want you to turn to devil worshipping
<GoddessMillenia> I don't believe in the Devil
<Blargh> what do you call your pagan fantasies besides devil-worshipping
<Blargh> can't you see that christ is the path to righteousness?
<Blargh> listen, paganism is a lie
<Blargh> there is only the father, the son, and the holy spirit
<Blargh> listen to me, the future of your soul is at stake
<Blargh> listen to me, the future of your soul is at stake
<Blargh> listen to me, the future of your soul is at stake
<Blargh> listen to me, the future of your soul is at stake
<Blargh> listen to me, the future of your soul is at stake
<Blargh> listen to me, the future of your soul is at stake
<GoddessMillenia> Go the fuck away
<Blargh> but don't you see?
<Blargh> i am only trying to help you
<Blargh> please, secure your eternal salvation and accept christ
<GoddessMillenia> Please Go away
<Blargh> why?
<Blargh> i only care for your soul
<Blargh> i will light a prayer candle
<GoddessMillenia> Because you just banned me
<GoddessMillenia> I doubt you care
<GoddessMillenia> I truly do
<Blargh> i didn't ban you
<Blargh> januszeal did
<GoddessMillenia> If you are a part of this Website then you are contributing to it
<GoddessMillenia> That makes you almost as bad
<Blargh> this website spreads the good word of christ
<Blargh> have you heard the good news about the afterlife?
<GoddessMillenia> That I can save My own soul
<Blargh> you are wrong
<Blargh> horribly wrong
<Blargh> only through christ may you be saved
<Blargh> he died for your sins
<Blargh> goku cannot save you
<Blargh> freiza cannot save you
<Blargh> only christ may save your soul
<GoddessMillenia> This Wesbite does not spread the word of God or any gos
<GoddessMillenia> *gods
<GoddessMillenia> Sorry
<Blargh> of course it does
<Blargh> ask weev about christ
<Blargh> we all love our lord here
<GoddessMillenia> Well that explains alot
<Blargh> what do you mean?
<Blargh> i have told you that frieza cannot save you 
<Blargh> only jesus can
<GoddessMillenia> Does it look like I care?
<Blargh> you obviously do
<Blargh> you took the time to respond
<GoddessMillenia> Because you're being ignorant
<Blargh> you're the ignorant one
<Blargh> being ignorant of the only means of salvation
<GoddessMillenia> Blindly putting your faith in something that hasn't been proven will get you no where
<GoddessMillenia> Gop Away
<GoddessMillenia> *Go
<Blargh> christ rose from the dead
<Blargh> he turned water into wine
<Blargh> can your freiza do that?
<Blargh> i don't think so
<GoddessMillenia> I
<Blargh> you what?
<GoddessMillenia> Capitalize
<Blargh> you capitalize words that aren't supposed to be capitalized
<Blargh> for example
<Blargh> you capitalized "away"
<Blargh> yet away isn't a proper noun
<GoddessMillenia> Yeah but there's no rule that says you can't
<GoddessMillenia> SO fuck off
<GoddessMillenia> My teachers never say anything about it
<GoddessMillenia> Stop inviting me
<GoddessMillenia> I don't give a shit about a channel you keep blocking me from
<Blargh> your teachers must be grammatically retarded as well
<Blargh> i'm not inviting you to anything either
<GoddessMillenia> No they weren't
<Blargh> they should have known that one of the most basic rules of grammar is only to capitalize proper nouns
<GoddessMillenia> They never said anything about it
<Blargh> maybe not but i'm sure they graded your dragon ball z essays an f
<GoddessMillenia> I don't have any Dragon Ball Z Essays
<Blargh> are you sure
<GoddessMillenia> I don't even like DragonBall Z that much
<GoddessMillenia> Just a few characters
<Blargh> then why do you obsess over freiza
<GoddessMillenia> Huh?
<GoddessMillenia> Because He's an Awesome character
<GoddessMillenia> ?
<Blargh> why did you capitalize he
<Blargh> that's not a proper noun
<GoddessMillenia> Just the way I type
<Blargh> but the way you type is grammatically incorrect
<GoddessMillenia> But I still spell things correctly
<GoddessMillenia> No it isn't
<Blargh> no you don't
<Blargh> you spelled dimension wrong
<GoddessMillenia> It was a Typo
<GoddessMillenia> I corrected it
<Blargh> typo isn't capitalized
<GoddessMillenia> Check the History
<Blargh> and the s key is nowhere near the t key
<GoddessMillenia> Yes it is
<Blargh> no it's not
<GoddessMillenia> I'm looking at it right now
<Blargh> there is no way you could have hit t instead of s by accident
<GoddessMillenia> It's only two keys away
<Blargh> you use "alot" and "dimention"
<GoddessMillenia> I corrected myself when I misspelled Dimension
<GoddessMillenia> See
<Blargh> so?
<GoddessMillenia> I just spelled it right
<GoddessMillenia> !
<Blargh> you still spelled it incorrectly
<GoddessMillenia> So that means it was a Typo
<Blargh> no it wasn't
<Blargh> spelling the -sion suffix as -tion is a common mistake
<Blargh> and you committed it
<GoddessMillenia> I Typoed
<GoddessMillenia> By the way
<GoddessMillenia> If it's so common then why are you getting so bitchy about it
<GoddessMillenia> ?
<Blargh> no you didn't
<Blargh> you spelled it incorrectly
<GoddessMillenia> Yes I did
<Blargh> because you are ignorant
<Blargh> of the correct spelling
<GoddessMillenia> No I knew how to spell it
<GoddessMillenia> Check the logs on my Discussion page if you want proof
<Blargh> you didn't know how to spell it
<GoddessMillenia> Yes I did
<Blargh> you spelled egyptian wrong too
<GoddessMillenia> and that was before this IRC bulshit
<GoddessMillenia> *Bullshit
<Blargh> see, you did it again
<GoddessMillenia> Yeah
<GoddessMillenia> It's called a Typo
<GoddessMillenia> Not a misspeling
<GoddessMillenia> *misspelling
<Blargh> you did it again
<Blargh> see
<Blargh> you keep misspelling words
<Blargh> it's because you haven't prayed to god for forgiveness
<GoddessMillenia> You're stupid
<Blargh> no, you're the stupid one
<GoddessMillenia> If I didn't knoe how to spell I wouldn't bother correcting it
<GoddessMillenia> *know
<Blargh> because you keep misspelling words
<Blargh> see you did it again
<GoddessMillenia> It's called a Typo
<Blargh> no, it's called a misspelling
<GoddessMillenia> If I didn't know how to spell I wouldn't be correcting Myself
<Blargh> how do i know you didn't look it up in google
<GoddessMillenia> Wow you really don't listen do you?
<Blargh> i don't listen because i don't hear anything
<Blargh> this is irc
<Blargh> and you can't spell
<Blargh> and you can't spell
<GoddessMillenia> Well then you can't read
<GoddessMillenia> because if I couldn't spell I wouldn't be correcting Myself with the correct spelling
<Blargh> i can't read what you write because your grammar is so poor
<GoddessMillenia> I guess I will need to put a comma?
<GoddessMillenia> Funny I don't see you doing that
<Blargh> you need to stop capitalizing random words
<Blargh> like "myself"
<Blargh> which isn't supposed to be capitalized
<GoddessMillenia> My friend says I can capitalize them
<GoddessMillenia> He just came back from work
<Blargh> no you can't
<Blargh> let me talk to him
<GoddessMillenia> Yeah he goes to college too
<GoddessMillenia> Ok
<Blargh> let me talk to him
<GoddessMillenia> Here he is
<Blargh> hello?
<GoddessMillenia> Hi
<Blargh> is this GoddessMillenia's friend?
<GoddessMillenia> Yes.
<Blargh> you realize that only proper nouns are supposed to be capitalized, right?
<Blargh> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalization#What_to_capitalize
<Blargh> tell me where it says that words such as "typo" and "myself" are supposed to be capitalized, sir
<GoddessMillenia> Yes, but in English, there is personal prospect.
<GoddessMillenia> Which can mean that if so deemed by the writer, you can capatalize any noun.
<Blargh> don't you mean capitalize
<Blargh> or is correct spelling optional, too?
<GoddessMillenia> Sometimes.
<GoddessMillenia> Depends on if I say it is.
<Blargh> but you can't change the rules of grammar just on a whim
<GoddessMillenia> But that's not the point of this topic.
<Blargh> yes it is
<GoddessMillenia> Why can't I?
<GoddessMillenia> English is a made up language from Pagans.
<Blargh> because that's why they're called rules
<Blargh> what?
<GoddessMillenia> They changed the rules from proper German and Latin.
<Blargh> yes
<GoddessMillenia> So technically the language we speak is just wrong anyways.
<Blargh> that's why they have different rules for each language
<Blargh> so people can actually understand what is being said
<Blargh> that is why grammar is standardized
<Blargh> do you understand?
<Blargh> yes?
<Blargh> do you understand, sir?
<Blargh> sir, what is your major?
<Blargh> at this college?
<GoddessMillenia> Language.
<GoddessMillenia> And International Business.
<Blargh> you have two majors?
<GoddessMillenia> You have a major and a minor.
<GoddessMillenia> My major is Language and my minor is International Business.
<Blargh> and you don't believe that grammar has laws?
<GoddessMillenia> Yes, I do.
<Blargh> so why don't you follow them?
<GoddessMillenia> Because grammer can get criss crossed a lot when you speak 8 languages, so Internationally, it's exceptable to bend rules in English becuase it is so widely spoken and the need to speak it is so great.
<Blargh> don't you mean acceptable?
<Blargh> and you shouldn't bend rules when you are talking to a native speaker of english
<Blargh> and also
<Blargh> it's spelled "grammar"
<Blargh> it's funny, you have the same typing patterns as GoddessMillenia 
<GoddessMillenia> Yea, but spelling isn't grammar.
<Blargh> you must hang out a lot together
<GoddessMillenia> It's spelling.
<GoddessMillenia> two different subjects.
<Blargh> grammar includes spelling
<GoddessMillenia> If you knew a lot about English, you would know that.
<Blargh> you have the grammar skills of a two-year-old 
<GoddessMillenia> What school do you go to?  Grammar and spelling have always been seperate where I learn.
<Blargh> you misspell words almost every time you type
<Blargh> seperate/separate
<GoddessMillenia> Ritard/Retard
<Blargh> Grammar is the study of rules governing the use of language.
<Blargh> that includes spelling
<Blargh> what are the 8 languages you speak, sir?
<GoddessMillenia> Why do you care?
<Blargh> because not very many people can speak that many languages
<Blargh> so i am curious
<Blargh> what languages?
<GoddessMillenia> Why is it hard.
<Blargh> ?
<Blargh> why is what hard
<GoddessMillenia> English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese, and I'm studying Swedish.
<GoddessMillenia> I think learning a new language is fun and easy.
<Blargh> tell me something in german
<Blargh> can you say the lord's prayer in german?
<Blargh> hello?
<GoddessMillenia> I'm here.
<Blargh> can you say the lord's prayer in german?
<GoddessMillenia> But you're friend won't shut up long enough for me to respond to you.
<Blargh> you're/your
<Blargh> what friend?
<GoddessMillenia> Die Gotts Gebet.