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From his website "Tom Mannino, aka Evilzug: PhD in Internetology, Flash Hax0r extraordinaire, and self-proclaimed Master of the Internet. Also, cats.

Evilzug is like the George Costanza of the internets in that they both did something great at least 100 years ago but have since failed to produce any lulz whatsoever in anything they do. Evilzug has slowly descended over the years from the creator of one of the greatest flash videos ever made before that medium was taken over by furfags and otaku basement dwellers to actually creating and working for neopets, which is the internets equivalent of lounge singing.

15 Minutes of Fame

What evilzug is best known for is the flash video workit, and even though he has his own yewt00b account[1], he's too busy filling it up with screenshots of shitty warioware on his gameboy to bother putting up the only thing he did that people give a shit about. This was a full blown old meme and can be found on several shitty websites like AlbinoBlackSheep and newgrounds, aka the rusting shitbin of the internet. He had a couple of subsequent flash videos that were mildly amusing, but this all tapered off by the end of 2001. Here is an example of how ancient and lame his flash work was, you may recognize the hamster, this image was stolen by Diedre Lecarte from evilzug's site to use as part of the hampsterdance.. lol

Downward Spiral

After this 5 second cumstain of good material came 8 years of shit. Some is showcased on his old crappy website evilzug.com. Or if yer really brave check out his blog scatteredgenius.com where you'll find everything his sad mind ever came up with under such categories as "Boobies, Gross, Haxoring, Meme, Ninjas, Pirates..." aka anything that has had any kind of internet following whatsoever. He's also one of the personalities on endgameradio[2], what never heard of it? Thats ok, Noone has!

Evilzug Elsewhere

See Also