Epic Red Ranger Manoeuvre

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The Epic Manoeuvre in the form of this glorious gif.

Between the days of Captain Planet and Webcomics the world hovered in search for a piece of popular culture that could be exploited and forever be laughed at for being teh ghey. Search ended upon acknowledging the subtly politically incorrect and racist superheroes: the Power Rangers! What the world didn't realise, however, is that they were not prepared for the truly epic and moving nature of said programme.

Red Ranger's Epic Manoeuvre (or Maneuver) is the prime example of the Power Rangers amazing and dramatic feats executed in order to fight for great justice. A scene of such epic proportions was first discovered on 4chan, but soon spread and spawned across the depths that is YTMND with one of the five backing music tracks that every 13 year old faggot on YTMND uses for every video.

Once popularity spread, variations of the Epic Manoeuvre have been found, as well as similar heartwarming documentations of similar feats of justice and bravery.

The Original Epic Manoeuvre

People have died.

No, really, they have.

Blood-red ranger (left.)

In January 2015, Red Ranger performed his most epicest manoeuvre ever, by killing his flatmate with a fucking sword. Bail set at $1m.

Moar Epic Manoeuvre

Variations of the Original

Epic Red Ranger Manoeuvre
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