Encyclopedia Dramatica talk:Donors

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an image that imparts ED patriotism would go great on this page. there are some already uploaded, if nobody finds one, i will hunt for something later tonight or tomorrow use this one. xo -hipcrime 23:49, 19 August 2014 (EDT)

LOL I agree that this page needs an image, but lets not make it pornagraphic so patreon.com doesn't block us in 5 minutes. --Mantequilla (talk) 00:10, 20 August 2014 (EDT)
oic... ok then, there's plenty of suitable images. if noone else picks one, i'll pick a non porn image. :) -hipcrime 00:39, 20 August 2014 (EDT)
Best to lock the page, then.  VX  02:39, 20 August 2014 (EDT)
wut? -hipcrime 18:51, 20 August 2014 (EDT)
If something NSFW can get ED booted from the fundraising site, I figure it's best to protect the page. Unprotect if I'm wrong.  VX  03:56, 21 August 2014 (EDT)
oic -hipcrime 17:31, 21 August 2014 (EDT)
  • Idk if it will get us banned or not, I am just trying to play it safe. I will try to photoshop something together. We also need a "thank you" image and video to be sent when someone becomes a patron. There is a thread on the forum. --Mantequilla (talk) 19:21, 21 August 2014 (EDT)
Sweet! Gimme sum dat email  VX  19:26, 30 August 2014 (EDT)
Sure, message me on fb with the address you want and I'll send u the infos and webmail address. --Mantequilla (talk) 20:30, 30 August 2014 (EDT)