Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/54

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John Campbell article updates updating

Someone Emailed me about John Campbell. You can read the Email at Talk:John_Campbell#Needs_updating. This isn't a subject I'm familiar with, so can someone update the article please? --JuniusThaddeus 13:37, 1 November 2016 (EDT)

  • Imma do it later. lol this dude demanding money from people for being a deadbeat. oddguy 15:54, 1 November 2016 (EDT)

Speaking of Campbell, is there something wrong with the way these videos are set up? When I click "next video" it just collapses the whole thing. Mein Führer... I CAN WALK !! 20:12, 14 November 2016 (EST)

Retractable rapefugees rigmarole

Added a new seasonal list of rapefugee incidents but the two collapsing objects seem to disagree, so have left it as seen. Any idea of how to fix this recurring glitch? Sidecar 14:55, 3 November 2016 (EDT)

Can you elaborate on what you're trying to do? I looked at the source text, and I'm not entirely certain what your end goal is here. Or, it could be that insomnia has robbed me of rational thought. —  VX  05:45, 5 November 2016 (EDT)
Sure thing. Toward the end of the article, there are two sections, the first called Case study: Germany, Jan-Feb 2016 and the second called Raincheck: Germany, October 2016. Each consists of a lengthy list of links to news stories. The contents of the first section ("Jan-Feb 2016") are tucked away in a collapsible list. I tried to do the same for the second ("Oct 2016"), but it malfunctioned bizarrely, so I removed the latter of the two collapsible objects and left the "Oct 2016" list in plain sight. (The way it malfunctioned is too fiddly to explain, but take it as read that it rendered both lists unusable). My hunch is that this is related to the frequent problems with other collapsing/moprhing objects, such as that glitch that means youtube videos can't be displayed like a slideshow without fucking up (still going on, AFAIK). Sooo.... is the "rapefugees" glitch that I'm describing fixable, or should I just quit worrying about it? Sidecar 16:02, 5 November 2016 (EDT)

Image tagging

We need to start tagging images better. Not super important, but if you decide to do it, go to an image, click edit, in the comment box write tags separated by commas. Example. If the image already has a comment leave it alone I guess. We are trying to get our image SEO better and there are no good image tagging extensions for mediawiki. --Mantequilla (talk) 11:14, 5 November 2016 (EDT)

Uses nude of emmi to demonstrate point. Kisses ass of YAN on twitter. I see the shots being fired mate XD. (talk) 11:24, 5 November 2016 (EDT)
Lol no this was what made me think of it. They DM'd me saying the google image result for guy fawkes nudes was good for once and I looked and didn't see any of the images of emmi so I thought to myself "shit ED's image SEO sucks". --Mantequilla (talk) 12:09, 5 November 2016 (EDT)
And I wasn't kissing their ass I was thanking them for a retweet. --Mantequilla (talk)
Does this mean we can delete unused images now then? (talk) 12:15, 5 November 2016 (EDT)
No cuz we allow hotlinking and they might be used for that. You can tag them though so they are searchable. --Mantequilla (talk)
  • meta tags work for this, especially title alias. -hipcrime 13:57, 5 November 2016 (EDT)
  • Oh yes I totally forgot about the meta tags too. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:09, 5 November 2016 (EDT)

There's a guide for this... Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Image_Selection_Process although I'm not so sure too many people have bothered to read it. It could probably use a better name. Hrmmm, I should probably update that though, I'm pretty sure almost everything in the "mass image harvesting" section doesn't work anymore. --Onideus 16:53, 5 November 2016 (EDT)

The reeal problem is that nothing thats uploaded by older users seems to be auto "indexed" checkboxed unlesss ya go in and do after uploading. --Talk to me|Contribs 17:10, 6 November 2016 (EST)

I miss the porn ads. Please tell me why you got rid of them.

I remember this one dude, Oliver Smith, complained and then they all became gone. It's very sad. Why did you take them down because of him? Because of one person complained. What site was that which did them? Maybe I can put them on my website. FuckAlms 11:21, 7 November 2016 (EST)

whoever wins

  • Put their article on AOTN instead of whatever bullshit is there. oddguy 01:16, 9 November 2016 (EST)
Trump is gonna win, largely because of two main factors... one, overconfidence. The site Five Thirty Eight, praised for its "magic math" bushwa kept making outrageously stupid predictions like this...
That in turn lulled Clinton voters into a false sense of security while on the flip side pushed Trump voters into a frenzy. The second big factor is the media... who just didn't know when to shut the fuck up about Trump. They CONSTANTLY attacked Trump, to the point of making themselves look like complete asshats, which furtehr drove more and more people to support the proverbial underdog that they, themselves, had created.
TL;DR - Trump wins entirely because Democrats are fucking morons. --Onideus 02:06, 9 November 2016 (EST)
Front page updated to reflect Trump win. Talk 02:25, 9 November 2016 (EST)
"They CONSTANTLY attacked Trump, to the point of making themselves look like complete asshats, which furtehr drove more and more people to support the proverbial underdog that they, themselves, had created." - hard to disagree with that. The average US voter is ornery to a degree that isn't really understood outside the USA. Also, Trump shrewdly stuck a finger in the wind and caught the Brexit breeze blowing his way. When the analysts have done their stuff, I'm willing to bet that there is huge amount of anti-globalism in the Trump vote. This debacle near enough outdoes the Dewey/Truman switcheroo. Prepare for massive, delicious, and long-lasting butthurt on a global scale. Sidecar 02:46, 9 November 2016 (EST)

Presuming someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll try and make a "Tortoise And The Hare" comic with Trump and Hillary, but use Pepe for the Tortoises head... again, presuming someone else doesn't make it before I do (there's a strong possibility it's already been done). We should also keep a close eye on... EVERYTHING, cause batshit insane liberals are probably going to kook out all over the place. Apparently they're already preparing for the worst as they have HUGE freakin dump trucks full of sand, ready to make sandbag barricades... err... unless those are for the wall! :D

--Onideus 03:19, 9 November 2016 (EST)

It should still be trump, drumpf, Moving to Canada etc. Somebody who's not 6 hours into the first day of beerfest fix it pl0x. Mike the Great (talk) 05:52, 12 November 2016 (EDT)

Fixed Talk 15:07, 12 November 2016 (EST)

white lash

i'm laughing so hard about this new liberal word. it needs an article but i'm lazy reply 09:55, 9 November 2016 (EST)

Dildo. I mean... ditto. —  VX  13:36, 9 November 2016 (EST)
Not really enough to work with right now imho. might be a bit more promising if BLM start parading around and shouting about black votes mattering or similar. that said, the guy's a world-class prick - white voters voted to remove a black president at the end of his second term, rather than at the two previous elections he won? he must be cnn's special correspondent reporting live from fucking la-la-land. Sidecar 14:05, 9 November 2016 (EST)

Now, when they say "white" do they mean Slavic, Germanic, Caucasian, Latin, Turkic, Celtic, Scandanavian or can't they tell? :D Also, technically speaking, compared to the whole of the world... "whites" are actually a minority... I'm just sayin.
--Onideus 16:20, 9 November 2016 (EST)

I have like 500+ pictures of liberal tears and other crybaby reactions to the elections. Is it worth putting into the 2016 elections page or making it its own page? - (Al Gore) 16:31, 9 November 2016 (EST)

I usually split stuff up into multiple articles or at least sub articles if there's an overwhelming level of content... given that it hasn't even been ONE single day and there's already so much stuff... I'd say it probably needs its own article. Forgot to mention, I have around 370 images for the actual PRE-election itself that need to be put into the current article (although I'll probably get it cut down to around 50 to 100). --Onideus 16:55, 9 November 2016 (EST)

Whatever we'll be very goddamn busy for the next few weeks. Good luck guy. - (Al Gore) 17:17, 9 November 2016 (EST)

OurMine gains access to Wikipedia accounts

OurMine claims to have all Wikipedia accounts compromised:


They demonstrated this with at least eight accounts so far, including Jimbo's:

--JuniusThaddeus 18:47, 12 November 2016 (EST)

Clearly if they had any worthy cause, they wouldn't have fucked with Alison. Mike the Great (talk) 00:56, 13 November 2016 (EDT)
that's not the same Alison. :) -hipcrime 21:19, 12 November 2016 (EST)

...so are they like retarded or something? I mean... why the fuck would they run around telling everyone that the accounts have been compromised? Wouldn't that kind of defeat the whole fucking purpose of compromising them in the first place? Cause, ya know, now they're just gonna patch everything up, change passwords and... SURPRISE! They got squat! Buncha poser class dipshits. --Onideus 21:51, 12 November 2016 (EST)

in reply to user Onideus, this user asserts the fact that gloating over hack incidents is one of the various reasons for which hackers do their hacking work. vandalizing with hacked accounts is not the only reason.FAMAS 11:13, 15 November 2016 (EST)
PROTIP: Hacking doesn't really work if you're running around bragging or gloating about it. It is generally a good way to get yourself put in a federal penitentiary as well as a great way of painting a giant blazing target across your ass though. From a social engineering standpoint it's not very useful for anything either... unless of course you're trying to set someone or some group up for a fall by placing the credit on them... a lot of people did that with Hipcrime back in the day. You could fuck shit up and if it went south, just pin it all on them. They were often dumb enough to take credit for anything and everything. If you want to see hacking done right, look at the ancient Usenet group alt.hackers.malicious or AHM... you want to know what they're famous for? Yeah... nothing. :D
--Onideus 14:00, 15 November 2016 (EST)
Hacking a Wikipedian bigwig's account without having (a) a scheme to embarrass him and get him desysopped/banned/fired etc. and (b) an admin candidate with a spotless posting history who has privately assured you a favorable attitude toward your fine line of online marketing for shoulder pork and ham ... why, that's like Kim Jung Un shooting a ballistic missile at Seoul in order to drop a load of confetti. I mean, it has no point, unless the point was that it had no point this time. Wnt 12:23, 18 November 2016 (EST)

Saket Kumar

Not sure if making a talk page for a removed article is frowned upon, but I tried contacting Mantequilla through his talk page and there wasn't an edit option there but there was one here so I figured I'd give my two cents - as I'm the person who made the Saket Kumar and Brooklyn Taylor articles. I actually noticed later on that certain things I put on the article went against ED's terms of service (that wasn't given in your reason but I figure it'd be a contributing factor) which I didn't know at the time. Thankfully liveleak took down the clip I posted meaning no one who saw the articles could even view it. I noticed the reason for both being taken down were down to the nobodies aspect. Bit curious to know how that works. Did Saket/Brooklyn contact you to get it taken down? One of Saket's friends spilled over the info to me he was gonna try and get the article removed. I've already got both archived as I thought Saket may come along and vanity write it or take it down. With that said, not too salty over the article being removed like others have been, just inquiring. SauceyGoo 05:00, 15 November 2016 (EST)

Moved here from orphaned talk page. Talk 10:00, 15 November 2016 (EST)

Cheers for that. Also, just to clear up to newcomers - possibly even Mantequilla if he sees - my inquiry was originally wrote on the Saket Kumar talk page hence the start part. SauceyGoo 20:34, 15 November 2016 (EST)

reason for lack of display of bytes added and removed in page history

this user enquires the reason for which, bytes added and removed is not shown in a page history section, only visible in recent changes section (+###, -###)FAMAS 11:16, 15 November 2016 (EST)

i think it has to do with the version of MediaWiki we use. i see Wickedpedia's version does show that. as a side note, i redirected Template:Ping to the existing Template:User because this version of MediaWiki does not support user notifications. :) -hipcrime 12:31, 15 November 2016 (EST)

Anti-Trump Riots?

The riots are over now, we've given Hillary a participation trophy.

Should this be its own article or should it go into another article? Also, what about all the "false flags" popping up all over the place, where should those go?

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

I feel we need some kind of organization/plan/category for all this shit that's hittin the fan. I've been calling it "The Trumpening", but that's not too terribly original. --Onideus 02:48, 17 November 2016 (EST)

The Liberal Butthurt Syndrome article could use an update. --JuniusThaddeus 08:49, 17 November 2016 (EST)
AlGore is collecting shit, he is just lazy. CobaltCat 08:58, 17 November 2016 (EST)
Salt mine is at 1,000+ now. Are image servers still shit or can I start uploading now - (Al Gore) 22:42, 23 November 2016 (EST)


Not a typo. The latest version of software that allows identification of opponents - "Cuckblock" is used to identify heretics speaking against the Gospel According to the Donald. Worth a full article, or just a footnote somewhere? Sidecar 11:27, 17 November 2016 (EST)

Well, it depends on the specifics of the plug-in. Is this the same one that does (((Echoes)))? Wnt 12:20, 18 November 2016 (EST)

Your guess is as good as mine on that score. Sidecar 09:32, 20 November 2016 (EST)

Image Galleries

Apparently at some point a bunch of the sub pages I was working on got tagged as "galleries", as such, should I just go ahead and move them out of my user space? Cause right now on the galleries category they're all listed as like "User:Onideus/". Most of them probably aren't going to be finished any time soon. --Onideus 15:49, 17 November 2016 (EST)

Hmm should you move unfinished shitposts out of your user space... Tough call. Mike the Great (talk) 23:27, 17 November 2016 (EDT)
Edit: I thought you meant just pages of galleries, not unfinished articles. I take the shitpost comment back. Mike the Great (talk) 23:33, 17 November 2016 (EDT)
Talking about the ones here, under the "sub page" header.
There's also a bunch of unfinished talk page galleries although I haven't checked to see if any of those have been merged or not.
--Onideus 19:03, 17 November 2016 (EST)
TBH would just revert it. Categories have 2 main purposes and neither one of them is to help users find half-written userspaced though streams. Mike the Great (talk) 17:04, 18 November 2016 (EDT)

Hero Troll Takes on Boston University Police

Sometimes it's hard to amp the humor. The U.S., the land of the free and the home of the brave, has committed itself to the prudent practice of treating everything a troll says on the phone as if it is real. Naturally, this means that some troll from China or Best Korea now can call up Boston University and have it shut down whenever he wants. The question now is -- how many colleges will he shut down for how long before Our Superhero learns to use his powers for good, like shutting down Wells Fargo instead? Wnt 12:17, 18 November 2016 (EST)

Image display failure

IIJM or has the site's ability to display pictures pretty much gone to dick? Getting stupid little thumbnail placeholders on every page. Sidecar 13:19, 20 November 2016 (EST)

Image server is down... again. Cloudflare, as usual, is next to worthless when it comes to actually caching site content. Their retention times are some of the absolute worst I've ever seen. --Onideus 17:25, 20 November 2016 (EST)

Images have their own server? Every day is a school day. Sidecar
Cloudflare's $20 plan isn't going to cache 60+ gigs of images, and images are stored on the same box as the wiki PHP. —  VX  19:06, 20 November 2016 (EST)
60 gigs is nothing. The image portion of my own data archive clocks at over 10 terabytes at present and even THAT is considered low end compared to most high end clients. For simple web caching, $20 should get you WAY better retention time and WAY better completion rates. Forgot to mention, if all the PHP code is located on the same server as the images... and that server is down... how exactly am I even editing this? LOL --Onideus 19:24, 20 November 2016 (EST)
Mmmm, it may not be a CloudFlare "problem" directly though, it might be they have some clever weasel wording in their ToS that basically puts the responsibility on the client, meaning you have to effectively force CloudFlare into continually caching content via the use of bots. Basically have a bot continually run through and access all the image content on the server remotely, say just once every 30 days. That would force CloudFlare to cache the entire site, since they don't seem to be doing it actively at all. --Onideus 19:37, 20 November 2016 (EST)
It isn't Cloudflare, and yes, 60 gigs is a lot considering the countless other sites they cache. The server isn't down, it isn't proxying correctly. —  VX  00:57, 21 November 2016 (EST)
Isn't Cloudflare what? Cloudflare is working just fine at the moment, not sure what you're talking about. It's not that CloudFlare isn't working so much as it's not providing the essential service it's designed to be... which is, in effect, a temporary backup in case the originating servers go down (for whatever reason) and to act as a shield against DDoS attacks and the like. And again, no, 60 gigs is not a lot, not even collectively is that a lot. CloudFlare's network was recently DOUBLED in capacity with 14 new server farms and recently mitigated a DDoS attack that clocked in at over 1 Tbps! Caching 60 gigs compared to that is like comparing a single grain of sand to to the collective whole of matter existing on an entire planetoid. Plus that's largely just storage use, not actual bandwidth use. Storage/caching is pretty gawd damn cheap compared to actual bandwidth use. --Onideus 01:30, 21 November 2016 (EST)
If you'll kindly read my post again, I said that Cloudflare is not the problem, nor does ED use the upper echelons of Cloudflare service. I've already said too much about the inner workings of ED's network, please do everyone a favor and stop pretending you know jack about shit and return to your flash based care bears site. Thank you. —  VX  01:50, 21 November 2016 (EST)
LOL, no need to get so defensive.
PS - You know if Zaiger wants I wouldn't mind lending ED some of my little Flash sites/tools to collect extra revenue streams off of them. Most of them, when they were still up, generated more traffic than than ED presently does. Wouldn't be a bad idea to think about expanding a bit, using legit/pedestrian level sites/traffic to generate ad revenue to support ED.
--Onideus 02:23, 21 November 2016 (EST)
Yes, I am sure a dead format is just what ED needs. CobaltCat 06:16, 21 November 2016 (EST)
In order to be dead it would need something to replace it first. Last I checked most browsers still don't fully support 32 bit JPEGs (or they support them in really half-assed, kludgy, slow ridden ways). Not to mention universal compatibility, the way a Flash site looks on one browser/OS is EXACTLY the way it will look on ALL browsers and operating systems. Direct/integrated support of On2 video codecs, support of color matrices, support of audio spectrum analysis, support of alpha transparent video, the ability to track the number of bytes loaded on a particular object, the ability to dynamically control the loading of media files, direct connection to ports with the ability to "talk" directly with a particular protocols language. Ability to analyze and manipulate image pixel data in a whole variety of ways. (Java/PHP are comparable in that respect, but slower), the ability to stop a media file from being loaded during the loading process, the ability to dynamically control the resizing of elements, being able to turn on and off smoothing for specific elements and making use of bilinear and bicubic resampling. (can be done with a combination of PHP and javascript, but it's less cross browser compatible and uses 10 times the amount of server resources and is about 700% slower, even with server side image caching.), fully custom cursors (can be done with SOME versions of IE using CSS, but even then yer limited to cur files and can't use larger images), ability to create/edit custom context menus, custom scroll bars, FIFTY TIMES FASTER than javascript when dealing with animated elements, custom video/audio controls (can be done ~somewhat~ with javascript but ONLY with certain browsers like IE...and even then with only about half the functionality that you can get with Flash, direct support, creation and control over vector based graphics, etc, etc, etc.
Seriously, I could probably go on all freakin day long about how much Flash pretty much wipes the fucking floor with.... everything, but I probably lost most of the wannabes after the first two lines so I'll just stop here. Ultimately, when it comes to true web development you've basically got Flash and you've got Java... everything else is largely just kiddie pool, poser class, horeshit. Primarily because Flash and Java are actual object oriented programming languages, where as everything else is just markup or scripting. The problem though is that Flash and Java aren't "stupid compatible", meaning if you don't know how to actually code and you try using either one... you'll probably just makes a giant, horrible, stupid mess. --Onideus 16:16, 21 November 2016 (EST)
Flash does not support 32bit JPEG's. Browsers support 32bit PNGs. Bootstrap looks identical on all browsers. Many browsers do not support flash. HTML5 does all of those, and better. You can use whatever the fuck size cursor you want. Flash is not faster than Javascript, you fucking retard. Nobody fucking uses flash, because it is slow. Nobody uses flash for videos, you dumb motherfucker. Silverlight is not flash. No web developer worth their salt is using Flash. Tell me again about flash support on iOS and Android. Oh wait. Lol. Java is only used for corporate solutions. It is far less popular than PHP, ASP.net, python, ruby, AJAX... Flash is dead, because people don't want to be locked down. They don't want shitty cursors, with shitty music and half hours intro segments. CobaltCat 06:41, 22 November 2016 (EST)
Oh ye of little imagination/experience. Yes, Flash does support 32 bit JPEGs, I used to use them all the fucking time. It was one of the little "secrets" I used to use to humiliate people with when they made claims that HTML could produce sites with smaller overall content sizes. Basically I would take other people's sites, recreate identical versions in Flash (right down the to context menues), except they'd be like 1/4th the original size. Technically I am "lying" a bit, but that's largely to test whether you actually have any idea what you're talking about. To be more precise you can import 32 bit PNGs into Flash and then you can run JPEG filters/encoding over them and they'll be turned into quasi 32 bit JPEGS upon compiling... well, not YOU of course, I mean ME, cause it's not something you can do with Adobe's garbage builder. Also I guess it would be more accurate to say AS3 instead of Flash... not that I would expect you to know what that is. Oh, also, the reason for wanting to alter the cursor and such is for the use of making GAME CONTENT and the like, not for adding "intros". And of course it's "less popular" than those other languages... I mean you're trying to compare kiddy level scripting shit to an actual object oriented language. That's a pretty gawd damn steep learning curve right there that excludes most wannabe web developers (99% of which are just riffing off cookie cutter bullshit artistry). Unless, as I said before, you're using Adobe's garbage builder, then you can make pedestrian level shit artistry with all the "intros" you like. LOL
PS - No, HTML5 cannot do ANY of those things I mentioned before. HTML5 is nothing but a MARKUP language, it doesn't really ~do~ anything... at all.
PSS - If you knew what you were talking about, you would have replied like this...
Yeah I know, that link is a bit out of date (nearly a decade) but it's been awhile since I've used that bit. --Onideus 14:49, 22 November 2016 (EST)
SEO. Responsive. Fast. Safe. 2016. None of these words apply to flash. Fuck off from this website, and go make that ED clone you bragged about. All in flash. CobaltCat 14:40, 22 November 2016 (EST)
On the SEO bit, search engines have had the capability to spider the text within Flash files for quite some time now... I think Google was the first. I haven't actually done much testing/experimentation regarding Flash SEO myself, but there are others who have done some pretty extensive work on that front. Try not to use your own limitations/ignorance as a basis of judging what a particular coding form is capable of... you'll look more intelligent that way. --Onideus 14:54, 22 November 2016 (EST)
Sure. CobaltCat 15:01, 22 November 2016 (EST)
Your BLAAAAWG bullshit does not impress me... learn to try harder...
Although even that link doesn't go into the precise nuts and bolts of how search engines precisely read the text data (or more importantly, what they do with it). I always constructed plain text fall back versions of every site I made though, that's how I solved the problem. Basically whenever Google would try and crawl one of my sites it would get knocked back into the plain text version. In essence creating one version of the site for bots and one version for people. --Onideus 15:20, 22 November 2016 (EST)
And all your sites have been garbage. It is always best to create two pages. CobaltCat 15:27, 22 November 2016 (EST)
I am 100% certain that your knowledge of my sites doesn't extend any further than the one Care Bear site I made (which, coincidentally, was crazy, stupid popular for some odd reason). If you knew anything at all about the "sites" I had, you would know that they were more like... "tools" and "web programs" than "sites". The DA account harvester being one of the especially useful ones... which by the by didn't use any Flash... at all. It's really bad now because Yahoo! shit canned their entire "Pipes" site, which means there aren't really any alternatives at the moment (unless someone has made an augmented browser version in the past couple years). --Onideus 15:38, 22 November 2016 (EST)

thx for explanation --Likeicare 02:26, 21 November 2016 (EST)

Fixed --Mantequilla (talk) 07:15, 21 November 2016 (EST)