Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 6, 2013

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Middle East. It used to be the bastard whore-child of Iran, and the two countries repeatedly join forces for Muslim world domination before President Al. Assad (not to be confused with Al. Pacino) realizes that he is too nice to them. As of November 2012, Syria is officially no longer Iran's sole outlet to the sea.

Syria gained independence in April 1946. Syria's current ruler is Bashar al-Assad, the son of Hafez al-Assad. Although Syria is a "Republic", the Syrian president has full control over all the laws, the media, & practices hardcore forced propaganda. That being said, if you disrespect the president verbally on your balcony while talking to your wife and drinking coffee on a sunday morning, the national forces will take you down for 10 days of torture just for the lulz. Over 9,000% of the population is made of cock sucking spies for the president.


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