Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 2, 2024

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Maniacs Murder Cult

Maniacs Murder Cult (Russkie: Маньяки: культ убийства, lit. "Maniacs: Cult of Murder") is an ultra edgy Slavic white supremacist organization that was founded in 2017 by a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi named Yegor Krasnov, thus undermining the Lame Stream Media's narrative that Ukraine is totally not filled with Nazis. The Maniacs Murder Cult specializes in terrorism, murder, the posting of soyjaks and coming up with extremely fucking retarded plots to murder Jewish children in the United States.

In 2024, the FBI arrested the current leader of the Maniacs Murder Cult, the aptly named Commander Butcher, whom they identified as a "Georgian national" since they apparently forgot that Georgia is actually a state. Michail Chickachickaboomboom was charged with conspiring to commit mass murder in New York by getting some random guy to dress up as Santa Claus and hand out poisoned candy to little Jewish kids on New Years Eve. Needless to say, this plot failed since Jews are not particularly known for having the spirit of Christmas or Halloween within them.


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