Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/September 19, 2024

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P Diddy

P Diddy (aka Puff Daddy, Diddy, Sean John and whatever else this nigger calls himself; Powerword: Sean Combs) - is an obnoxious camwhoring gaynigger and Twitter addict who obtained success by secretly conspiring on killing former best friend and part-time Snorlax Bloatorious N.I.G. as a stepping stone to amassing gigantic bags of Jew gold for himself. Unbeknownst to his big fat ego P Dildo's actually an unfunny, untalented hack who is probably best known for using his dumb thug associates to push his horrible music, flammable clothing, rancid cologne, and general niggerty onto society. This is obviously done to get everyone to blindly line his pockets with billions and billions of monies and hopefully become as much of a faggot as his superior white masters. Whether it be the ridiculous products he pimps or his constant attention whoring on every social networking site in existence, one thing is certain: it would probably be in the best interest of humanity if he just stopped, be it him being retired or dead. Few people know that P Diddy suffers from a disorder called AES (Anal Ejaculation Syndrome) in which, upon ejaculation, P Diddy spews diarrhea uncontrollably out of his penis and anus. Like any other dollar-raking rapping chimp he is a bitter, terrible, untalented, and useless person who constantly smells of shit.

HOLY SHIT!! He just got arrested!!
(( P Diddler ))

What have I missed?
Ljupco Steriev
2 days ago
Ljupco Steriev
4 days ago
Ljupco Steriev
6 days ago