Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/November 30, 2014

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2014 was rattled by a young, up-and-coming terrorist named Michael Brown, the reincarnation of Trayvon Martin. That is, until he was shot to death by a brave white cop named Darren Wilson, who in turn became a very wealthy man as a result of fulfilling this bounty. Officer Wilson's keen instincts and thorough training helped him see straight through the nigger's cunning plan to rob the nearest liquor store, and on August 9th, Ferguson, Missouri became the next Sanford, Florida.

Niggers quickly started chimping out, and that was the cue for "Ferguson's finest" to induce a riot, deploying tear gas, armored vehicles, and heavy weaponry to soothe the tension in the the quiet Ferguson suburb. Naturally, Anonymous capitalized on the awesome publicity the department received for their deft handling of the situation, and decided to exact justice by declaring OpFerguson and incorrectly doxing the cop who killed the terrorist. Lulz ensued, as expected, and this eventually led the chief of police to reveal the true hero's name.

This only led to more lulz, as a fundraiser was set up for the outed officer, Darren Wilson, which raised almost $200,000 in 23 days to ensure he and his family could safely relocate to a new home and enjoy a life of early retirement. Further lulz ensued when the cop was eventually found not guilty and planned riots began setting up all over the US and even in Canada.


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