Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/May 3, 2024

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American Airlines Flight 63

On December 22, 2001, 'twas 3 days till Christmas Day and 3 months after 9/11, American Airlines Flight 93 was supposed to be a smoothsailing trip from Paris to Miami for 197 passengers of the Boeing 767, but for 1 additional occupant, it was the target for an operation of martyrdom. This additional occupant was Richard Colvin Reid, a "British" member of al-Qaeda whose plan was to cause an extreme incident of lulz where he would use a bomb to blow up the plane in the name of Allah, this would have made the already butthurt nation of America fall to it’s knees infront of Islam even further, however, Richard’s only flaw in this plan was that he was extremely autistic and chose to use a bomb made out of his shoes.

(( An Example Of Weponized Tardism ))

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