Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/March 8, 2024

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Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z (also known as DBZ) is a show about 'roid-enraged, shirtless, and constipated super-apes who spend fifteen episodes talking about how powerful they are, and the next five screaming "Ha" at the top of their lungs before one or more of them explodes. Fans claim that it is action-packed and has tons of fighting, despite there being almost no fighting. Every episode mostly consists of staring contests, landscape pans, and witnesses clenching their fists and looking worried, and if there is fighting, it's not until you realize you wasted twenty minutes of your life to see a three-second fight. In short, it's sort of like professional wrestling, but for even stupider people.

(( RIP Akira Toriyama ))

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