Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/March 2, 2024

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Aaron Bushnell

February 25, 2024, amongst the hilarious ongoings of the Israel-Hamas war, 11,000 kilometers away from the uncivilized and instead in the lardass Jewnited States of Americunts, Aaron Bushnell was an obvious undercover Al-Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse operative and Redditor (Archive 1, 2) disguised as your average serviceman in the U.S. Air Force who under the guidance of Allah was sent to increase anti-Western sentiment and Antisemitism in the civilized world (anywhere other than Gaza) by becoming An hero by setting himself on fire and burning to death outside of the U.S. Israeli Embassy whilst shouting "Free Palestine".

Due to being too worried that his death would be forgotten after 2 days and not mentioning that he was an attention whore, he decided to livestream the suicide, an increasingly common trend amongst an heroes with Ronnie McNutt and Shuaiby as examples of the hot new fad, meaning that Aaron’s death will be a certified hood classic on gore sites. Like every other "self-immolater" (other than this guy), he began screaming, wriggling around and obviously regretting his dumbnut decision almost instantly after 5 seconds of being ablaze instead of showing self-control like a true an hero of that selection would.

(( Hey Buddy, You Got A Light? ))

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