Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 24, 2024

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Digital Blackface

Digital Blackface is another bizarre social offense that the (mostly white) bunch of tree hugging far-lefters and vegan bicyclists have come up with, for something to have another moan and weep about. They feel that normal people need to check their privilege and quit using JPEGs and GIFs of black people on the internet to express an emotion or joke; because you are contributing to a newfangled form of present day – you guessed it – racism. Which is apparently designed solely to offend our tree swinging descendants!

Much like the culturally hated word "nigger", it is all fine and dandy when the blacks use or say it themselves because the blacks have dictatorship over the English language and the faces that are behind internet memes. It is only when the occasional white kid uses this word or those memes that "harm" is being done. So it seems the left forgot about their whole "equality" thing. Even if you're on the Internet and nobody knows you're a dog, the black man's all-seeing voodoo, joo joo magic can feel through your screen to discover the color of your flesh – and instantly become offended. Because the niggers just roll like that!

(( DAT'S RACIST!! ))

What have I missed?
Klaus Schwab
2 days ago
4 days ago
Billy Mitchell
6 days ago