Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 16, 2024

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"When a bored Ancient Egyptian abuses an Autistic Jew, the world gets plagued with Christianity, Islam and Judaism as revenge." - Religion summed up.

Of course there are OTHER religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and obscure pagan religions but these compared to the (three religions of death) are practically worthless, therefore this page will be mostly detailing the crimes of the most cancerous religions on the planet, although if the other religions would like to go ahead and start raping and killing and getting a high score, be my guest.

Religion was behind such rules as "thou shalt not commit adultery", and "thou shalt stone mega whores", and "thou shalt not bugger thy brother's keeper." The rise of secularism naturally leads to a rise in sluttery and faggotry, and America is ground zero, The Great Whore of Babylon. After science in all its wisdom invented The Pill, it pretty much destroyed any hope of religion putting a lid on women's rampant hypergamy. With The Pill firmly in place to destroy society, that naturally led to an increase in faggotry, since men realized that every woman around them was hopelessly damaged goods and unfit to be a mother by the time she wanted to settle down at age 40 and stop sucking a new cock every weekend. However, Mudslimes and The Amish and parents who don't let their daughters have smartphones still make some effort to keep sluttery in check, to prevent their women from becoming filthy American whores.

Religion is a poison that causes a severe mental illness rooted in delusion and causes it's victims to willingly infect other subjects or kill them if unsuccessful. Created and dispersed throughout the history of mankind by mankind, because of the greatest and everlasting fear of the unknown, in order to make up answers to questions not yet answered or questions that will never be answered, that lack meaning or importance, like why we are here or who made us. The majority of people ask themselves these questions every day: instead of getting on with their meaningless, parasitic lives and maybe trying to be less of an asshole. Since then, religion has been one of the biggest sources of drama, faggotry, and unwarranted self-importance in the world today, secondary only to the internet. For millennia, random losers believed that they were the chosen ones, and claimed that they were following the one true religion of God, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Shiva, Zeus, Osiris, or whatever else they believed. Meanwhile, all others are infidels, this leads many gullible people to randomly go out and kill practically anyone they disagree with—they will all serve an eternity in hell. (Even though these murderers ignore that killing is probably condemned in their own faith. But such common sense doesn't compute with any kind of fundamentalist.)

Religion is responsible for such insanity as Christfags, who believe that beating someone half to death with a 2,000 year old book will heal them and that some cosmic fucking Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a skinny rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree somewhere in a metaphorical paradise with animals chilling alongside each other. Muslims believe that if they blow themselves up they will get 72 virgins.

Even atheists are not immune to the psychotomimetic effects of religion; the mere mention of religion is enough to send any atheist into hours of butthurt shitfits.

(( You're Gonna Burn In Hell ))

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2 days ago
Rina Palenkova
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