Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 26, 2024

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Blackface was actually the number one form of entertainment among planet Earth's English-speaking audience for at least 100 years. Similar to Kabuki theater of Japan, Blackface is theatrical makeup used by white people in order to pretend to be black people, similar in theme to imitating other animals. However, the Jews just do not want you to know anything about this American custom. What is that? and lol wut? make up for over 90.00% of initial reactions globally when being asked about blackface. The civil rights movement has over spread the word, there is a large difference between comedy and hate. Dressing up as a towelhead arab is full of lol. But put some black on your white face. That's just damn racist!

(( It's Not Racist If You're Doing It To Fit In ))

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