Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 12, 2024

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Black History Month

Black History Month is that time of the year when liberal-possessed public schools ignore their standard curriculum of teaching important Jewish contributions to society like the atomic bomb, accounting, currency and Monotheism along with the noble White, Northern European contributions of freedom, The pocket watch, The jet engine, radio, the printing press and the Holocaust so they can give their black students a month where they are filled with lies, in the hopes that they may develop some pride in their race so they won't be so angry when they have to go home to a cold apartment and have grape Flavor-Aid and overly processed chicken nuggets for dinner. White students, on the other hand, are accused and assaulted with imaginary crimes in the hopes that they will believe that their ancestors' sins have been passed down to them along with their DNA in the hopes that they will develop a proper case of White guilt that will always ensure the black-man a free ride from them.

(( How Do You Educate Them When Prison Is A Life Goal? ))

What have I missed?
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
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