Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/August 8, 2024

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Once upon a time God decided to create a place where old jews and Republican spics could all live in relative harmony - so he made Florida, America's dick. Seriously, look at the shape of the state. It's in the shape of a flaccid penis. That should tell you enough. Of course God didn't expect anything of value to come from this colossal shithole, he just made it for the lulz.

Right up there with China, Nigeria and Eastern Europe, Florida's incorporation and fraud laws combine with a lack of cooperation with other states' investigations to create a safe haven for all sorts of predatory fucks with a front as legal businesses. Florida gains attention on the internets by being spam central. However, scamming in Florida has a long and sordid history that predates the Internet. Boca Raton once proudly proclaimed itself to be the telemarketing capital of the world with the joke that BR actually stood for Boiler Room. But it doesn't Really matter, since everyone in Florida is Blatantly Retarded.

(( Global Warming Came And Washed It Away And Nothing Of Value Was Lost ))

What have I missed?
Axel Muganwa Rudakubana
2 days ago
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4 days ago
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