Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/August 30, 2024

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Fat Acceptance Movement

Fat Acceptance is a movement where Big Blubberful Whales are trying to "redefine the standard of beauty" to include themselves. PROTIP: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you have to write blog articles trying to argue people into finding you attractive, you are not beautiful.

100% of the Fat Acceptance Movement is women. This is because a dude will usually be honest about the fact that he's a fat fuck because he really likes food. Fat bitches, on the other hand, have convinced themselves that they are mysterious creatures who nibble delicately on salads and only weigh 250 lb due to genetics.

For a clue as to what is making the fat people fat, go down the mall. Look around. Pick out the fat people. Now then: what are they all doing? Yep. That's what's causing it.


What have I missed?
Hard Gay
2 days ago
Donny Long
4 days ago
6 days ago