Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/August 18, 2024

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United Kingdom

The Country formerly known as the United Kingdom, also known by its full name, The Country formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and better known as the Divided Kingdom of Fail Crapton and Northern Terroristville, the Democratic Socialist Peoples Republic of Britistan and the United Kuntdom (UK), is a small turd floating in the seas off the coast of Europe. The natives are universally loathed for their rotten teeth and terrible smell, even by other Europeans. National pastimes include wearing women's clothing, eating terrible food, bitching about the French and venting suppressed military penis-envy towards the United States, Russia and China.

National dress consists of bowler hats and smoking jackets which are worn even while bathing and swimming. Despite their history of epic military fails and lack of personal hygiene, they still believe that they are the greatest people on the fucking planet.

Political opinion and culture in the UK, regardless of whether they are on the left-wing or right-wing, is best known for it's love of banning everything and anything and generally thinking that they can regulate and prohibit their way to utopia. This thinking has now reached a point where if you find yourself in the UK and you are wondering about the legality of an action, it's best just to assume that it's illegal. There is nothing that you can do legally in the UK that you can't do anywhere else, this combined with the fact that the country has no written constitution or constitutionally enshrined Bill of Rights, makes the UK one of the best examples of "soft core fascism" in the western world.

(( A Country Full Of Faces That Look like Chewed Up Toffee ))

What have I missed?
Susan Wojcicki
2 days ago
4 days ago
6 days ago