Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/August 1, 2024

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The Wapanese (親日, ウィーアブー, also referred to as "Japanophiles," "weeaboo" (or "weeb"), "fucking idiots," or "you") are, much like wiggers, painfully clueless honkies (and increasingly negros) trying to fill a perceived cultural void by pretending not to be white (or a nigger)—in this case, trying to be yellow by humping the giant Godzilla leg of the Land of the Rising Shit in hopes of being assimilated into its culture.

To put it simply, a weeb is any non-Japanese who has any interest in anything Japan related that would be somewhat comparable to occult worship, along with attempting to be an actual Jap, where it always ends up with said weeb failing hard as they cannot realize that one cannot really learn about Japan through viewing anime. They generally have a serious case of Yellow Fever and worship Ayumi Hamasaki among other famous J-pop artists, along with eating pocky as if it's their staple diet. So badly do the Wapanese wish this that they often dedicate entire afternoons to memorizing up to five common phrases in Japanese, though later misusing them at the food court or at animu conventions. This, of course, only serves to further illustrate what flesh-bags of fail these basement dwellers really are.

Just as Jews are responsible for Christians and Muslims, Wapanese are responsible for bronies and social justice warriors. In fact, several SJWs started off as pocky-eating Japan-worshiping weebs, guilty of their own white culture. This is just another reason to hate these cretins.

If you happen to see a Wap on the prowl, make no attempt to engage it in conversation, you will hear such great amounts of bullshittery that you cannot help but mercilessly rip the bastard apart. But instead, curse it in silence, for it is the bane of American youth. Well, next to another "subculture" you're hopefully not aware of, which more than deserves the same treatment. But that's another story.

Because the lifespan of these fucking dingalings only last until the end of high school for half of them, most will grow up cynical and shameful, turning to the next cultural trend used for the boosting of their egos. The other half will end in one of three ways:

  1. Dying alone as an elderly virgin surrounded by small plastic figurines that cost hundreds of dollars each along with $40 imported CDs by obscure Japanese bands no one else has ever heard of nor will admit to liking except them.
  2. Being raped to death in prison (oh, teh irony!)
  3. Committing IRL self-pwnage after arriving in Japan and discovering that it's not full of enormously-breasted women who want to sleep with pasty, fat Caucasian lardballs. Their last words are usually "Megatokyo lied to me..."
(( There's No Need For A Purity Ring. Devote Yourself To This Lifestyle And You'll Never Get Laid ))

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