Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 9, 2013

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Onision, also known as Gregory James Daniel a.k.a Gregory James Jackson is a YouTuber born with ovaries instead of testicles. This makes him curl his eyelashes and put on light makeup, and has male GOTIS=like syndrome. He is famous for the drama he makes, and his train-wreck of a love life. He publicly broadcasts personal information about his life like one loveable Autistic Hero We all know and love. He resides in Tacoma, Washington, where his pastime is physically, mentally, and verbally abusing his girlfriends/fiances/wives when he isn't busy creating YouTube videos, ranting about "haters", and how he wants his "privacy". If you comment on his videos with even a semblance of legitimate criticism, if he blocks you, you are a winrar; if he flips his shit and gets racist on you, you win one free internetz. He believes that the following deserve to die: Omnivores and Carnivores, people who smoke, drink, take drugs(even if it's prescription), people who are circumcised, and anyone whose views oppose his own. Onision has recently started moderating his comments and disabling ratings on his videos, as people are realizing that he's a sick fuck and shouldn't make money from Youtube for retarded views to Youtube and his audience.


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