Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/September 17, 2011

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Harold Charles Turner (born March 15, 1962) is a 5'2" 180 pound white supremacist and internet tough guy, known for his conspiracy theorist tendencies and constant lying on his Internet radio program, the Hal Turner Show. Typical of white supremacists, Hal is also a closet furry whose wife wears the pants in the relationship. His politics are entirely a matter of BAWWW over being pwnt at the polls by a Mexican, although to be fair to him he does genuinely seem to possess the low IQ and emotional problems characteristic of a real good old boy.

He has appeared on Fox News calling on people to assassinate judges who bagged a neo-Nazi, and frequently gets into fights with local politicians and anti-racist organizations. For some reason, however, nobody seems able to cause him as much trouble as Legion.


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