Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/July 4, 2011

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A typical fangirl of Naruto.

A rabid fan of the ninja anime Naruto. Frequently is, as the name implies, retarded. They worship so called "ninjas" that wear BRIGHT fucking ORANGE and have an honor code preventing sneak attacks and poisonings. Even among animes, this show has a eerie lack of substance, with most of the drama focusing on two dissapointingly ugly and terrible wannabe ninjas trying to find the "he's so emo and cool"Sasuke ninja. If you ever see a faggot saying "I like naruto" or "I'm gunna use photoshop so that my chidori or rasengan looks real!" or "My eyes are....deadly...like...the mysterious sharingan or byakugan", please smack them on the head until they regain consciousness, in which you smack their heads even more. For fuck sakes its just an anime, you twats are obsessed with such shit. Even headbands are designed and faggot narutard fans buy them and act like Naruto or Saucegay.


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