DreamHost Does Not Obey The Law

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an actual Dreamhost employee

Complaint submitted to Dreamhost by Amalea (anonymously) on 01/17/05 03:17 PM.

The Complaint

Links and formatting by ED staff.

I am about to have an appointment with the attorney general of my state to see if I can have Dream Host subpoenaed.

Dreamhost is hosting a site that stole images of me without my consent and said horrible things about me.

It's called libel and character defamation along with copyright violation (my images are all copyrighted by ME not BY THEM!)


That is the URL in question. I contacted Dreamhost because the whois search showed that the name servers were directed to dream host.

I sent them a letter telling them that I want my images removed from that site and here was their reply:

"Unfortunately, we are not in a position to judge the merits or validity of customer content, and as such do not assert editorial control over the content of their sites.

However, if you believe that this individual is violating your copyright, please submit a formal DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) notification to us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include specific URLs of the infringing content (ie. image locations).

Thank you,

- Jeff C.
- DreamHost Web Hosting"

I called my state representative (I am his webmaster) and he is helping me to get into contact with the General attorney. If Dreamhost refuses to protect my privacy and safety then the law will!



Amalea obviously doesn't know how the law really works, and tries to talk all big like she knows legaleze, just to get her way. "I'm going to go to the attorney general" WHA WHA!! Thats like going to the national guard because you have a roach problem in your house.

Special Note

Dreamhost was formerly the official webhosting company of Encyclopediadramatica, so big up to them yo!

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