Drama remorse

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Drama remorse is the panicked state of mind of one that has realised how stupid they've made themselves look -- usually because they've over-stretched themselves trying to look clever. Sufferers are usually found deleting evidence of their mistakes and trying to promote more favourable frames of reference for evidence they cannot hide. This tends to provide many lulz on wiki sites or the Portal of Evil, where the evidence can never be truly deleted. It's especially amusing the latter case, when people regularly post threads in the general forum demanding that the admins delete their posts for them.

Some argue that Kirk Johnson has overstretched himself trying to look clever. They are, however, gay.


When a panic attack occurs, it is recommended that the sufferer is immediately relieved by a quick jab to the scrotum, preferably using hard objects like baseball bats. For female sufferers, the application of a taser gun to the nipples is suggested. Drama remorse can be controlled with treatment. Treatment usually consists of a series of extensive BDSM therapy and also involves jumping from a the second or third floor of any nearby apartment. For chronic cases, a higher floor may be required (see suicide). In several cases, brain transplants and gender change surgery have also been proposed.

Drama remorse can be a painful experience
Sufferers may require special counseling

See also