Drama War

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Sometimes a drama gets so intense and so vile, a war breaks out. It usually happens in a situation when Internet drama and IRL drama collides with each other to create an entirely new kind of superdrama, which has not been witnessed by scientists until recently. This type of war usually consists of two groups, one which has a group of clinically insane people with hordes of inbred mongrel followers, and the other consists of freedom fighters of Dramatistan. The first group is often looked upon as the victim, the innocent bystander, and the latter group is marginalized by being labeled as haters, terrorists. However, if we look closely at the facts , we find quite the opposite. These so called victims are often pedophiles, sexually deviants and/or just plain attention whores. On the other hand, the freedom fighters achieve martyrdom by sacrificing their lives for sanctity of LULZ.

E-lawyers, and in extreme cases, IRL Police get involved in Drama Wars. Although it is strictly forbidden to have business deals with jews because their appetite for Jew Golds, during war times it is permitted to use Jew lawyers as weapons.

How to start a Drama War

A great example: "Fuck everyone who's ever contributed to this page or who has ever read this page. I hate you all and I hope you all die. I'm going to kill myself tomorrow and you're never going to see me again." - This is a great way to start a Drama War within any community. Saying those words will not only start flamewars, but inner-social wars of the website, and quite possibly the most amusing lulz you will witness. However, if you are an attention whore and post that, you will most likely be lulzed to death, and your plan will backfire.

The Art of Drama War

Hitler has shown the way for new age freedom fighters by trolling the Jews

Some drama war veterans give their recollections on previous battles and opinions on how to win drama wars:

...this is like... we are fighting drama war on two fronts. I hope we do not fail like the fucking Germans


—sherrod, During Argent009 Youtube Street Team and Michael Crook drama wars a.k.a Winter Campaign of 2006

we have drama warriors in here worth ten thousand lolfantry each



..dont be disheartened by our current bogdown in dramiraq. It SEEMS like the enemy is swarming ... HAVE FAITH, STAY THE COURSE.



As long as you stick to your guns, don't let morality get to you and as always: document, destroy, lulz, winning a Drama War is not as hard as it looks. Remember, you're not doing it for your self, you're doin' it for the lulz.

Drama War Arsenal